中共中央、国家主席、中央军委主席主持召开中央政治局常委会会议专题研究“三农”工作并发表重要讲话。强调,保障好初级产品供给是一个重大战略性问题,中国人的饭碗任何时候都要牢牢端在自己手中。President Xi Jinping, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on issues related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and delivered an important speech. Xi emphasized that ensuring the supply of primary products is a major strategic issue and the Chinese people must have firm control over their own food supply.








The requirements for the protection of arable land must be further clarified to ensure that China's total of 120 million hectares of farmland is a reliable figure and that all of the farmland is fertile.



种子和耕地问题 problems related to seeds and farmlands

国家粮食安全战略national strategies for food security

高标准农田 high-quality farmland

