


[正]He has joined the party.

[误]He has joined the party for three years.

正句中的谓语动词join是“点”上的动词,故正确。误句中的谓语动词后面跟了“线”上的时间状语 for three years,故矛盾。


(1) 常见的“点”上的动词有:join,buy, sell, lose,find, die, break, open, close,go,come, leave, leave for, arrive, put, begin, start, stop, fall, get up, etc.


2) 常见的表达方式有:

①It is/has been 一段时间 since 主语 谓 语(过去式) 其他。

②主语 谓语(过去式) —段时间 ago。

③主语 have (has) been adj. /adv. / prepositional phrase等 —段时间。



It is three years since he joined the army.

He joined the army three years ago.

He has been a soldier (in the army)for three years.


(1) 常见的“线”上的动词有:

live, teach, know, work, study, stay,lie, stand,sit, run, swim, walk, fly, last, travel, write, read, build, hold, rest, sleep, cook, flow, rain, snow, blow, wait, repair, etc.

(2) 常见的表达方式有:

①主语 have 过去分词 for some time。

②主语 have 过去分词 since 具体时间。

③主语 Have 过去分词 since 从句 (主语 谓语“点”上动词的过去式)。



I have lived here for three years.

I have lived here since three years ago.

I have lived here since I came here three years ago.
