
(2010﹒福建﹒T21)It’s good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them pleasure.

A. 不填, a B. a, 不填 C. the, a D. a, the


【解析】good feeling并非特指, 故用a;pleasure是抽象名词, 无需冠词。句意为 “人们喜欢上海世博会给它们的快乐, 这是(一)种不错的感觉” a good feeling , 一种不错的感觉, give sb pleasure。

(2010﹒山东﹒T 22)If we sit near _______ front of the bus, we’ll have _______ better view.

A. 不填; the B. 不填;a C. the; a D. the;the


【解析】句意应为 “如果我们坐在公共汽车的前部, 就会有更好的视野”表示 “某空间内部的前部”时, front前要加定冠词the; have a good view是习惯搭配, 表示 “视野开阔, 视野良好”之意;所以C项符合语境。

(2010﹒江苏﹒T 21)The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that_______ people from all walks of life are working hard for_____ new Jiangsu.

A.不填; a B. 不填;the C. the; a D. the; the


【解析】第一空,来自社会各阶层的人. 是不特指,不用冠词. 第二空, 在Jiangsu 前有形容词new 因此,应加冠词a.表示一个全新的江苏

(2010﹒辽宁﹒T 22)There are over 58, 000 rocky objects in ______ space, about 900 of which could fall down onto _______ earth.

A. the; the B. 不填; the C. the; 不填 D. a; the


【解析】第一空in space 是固定短语, 不用冠词, 第二空名词earth属于独一无二事物的名词, 其前必须用定冠词。句意:太空中有超过58,000的岩状物体, 其中大约900有可能掉到地球上。

(2010﹒北京﹒T 35)first impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get _____ second chance to make _____ first impression.

A. a; the B. the; the C. a; a D. the; a


【解析】很多同学错在第二个空to make a first impression上了。在做题的时候不够细心, 因为此题的句意是:第一印象是最持久的。总之, 你永远不可能有第二个机会去再给别人留一次第一印象。本题强调的重点是第二个机会a second chance;第二次留一个第一印象, make a first impression. first为干扰因素。若句意改变为:你没有机会去改变你的第一印象You never get a second chance to change the first impression。此处再填the就合情合理了。(2010﹒重庆﹒T 27)Everything comes with price; there is no such thing as free lunch in the world.

A. a, a B. the, / C. the, a D. a, /


【解析】price意思是 “代价”, 为可数名词, 第二空前边有no,后面的名词不用冠词, 故选 D项。

(2010﹒浙江﹒T 2)Many lifestyle patterns do such great harm to health that they actually speed up weakening of the human body.

A. a; / B. /; the C. a; the D. /; /


【解析】句意:许多生活方式对人类的健康有害, 他们加速了人类身体的衰退。本题考查冠词, 对……有害用短语 “do harm to”表示, 中间无需冠词;之后的weakening是由动词的ing形式表示抽象的名词, 表达一种概念、状况时需要加上the。

(2010﹒四川﹒T 2)In most countries, a university degree can give you flying start in life.

A. the; a B. the; 不填 C.不填; 不填 D.不填; a


【解析】most countries此处表泛指, most前不加定冠词the.第二个空处应为 “一个高起点的开始”, 故用a ,正确答案为D。

(2011﹒全国卷I﹒T 33) It is generally accepted that boy must learn to stand up and fight like man.

A.a; a B.a; the C.t

he; the D.a; 不填


【解析】句意为“人们普遍认为,男孩子必须学会做一个男子汉,能挺身而出,勇于战斗。”a boy和 a man都是泛指,表示一类人。单数可数名词泛


(2011﹒全国卷II﹒T 16) As he reached front door, Jack saw strange sight.

A. the;不填 B. a; the C.不填a D. the; a


【解析】句意为“当Jack走到前门时,看到了一个奇怪的景象。”the front door是特指Jack所走过去的门,a strange sight是泛指,相当于a certain sight,起初次介绍的作用。因此选D。

(2011﹒山东﹒T 21) Take your time—it’s just_____short distance from here to_____restaurant.

A.不填;the B. a; the C. the; a D.不填;a


【解析】句意为“别急—从这儿到餐馆只不过短短的距离而已。”a short distance短距离,是固定搭配的短语;the restaurant指双方都知道的餐馆,故用the特指。选B。

(2011﹒浙江﹒T 2)Experts think that __________recently discovered painting may be ________ Picsso.

A.the ;不填 B. a ;the C. a ; 不填 D. the; a


【解析】句意为“专家认为,最近发现的油画可能是毕加索的作品。”the painting特指最近发现的油画;a Picsso意为a Picsso’s painting,指毕加索的一件作品,有one的含义。因此选D。

(2011﹒四川﹒T 18)Dr.Peter Spence, headmaster of the school, told us, “ fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge.”

A. 不填;A B.不填;The C.the; The D.a; A



意为“校长Peter Spence告诉我们说,我校的五分之一学生将到牛津大学和剑桥大学去学习。”headmaster校长,职务前面不加冠词;a fifth表示五分之一。因此选A。

(2011﹒重庆﹒T 26)In communication, a smile is

usually __________ strong sign of a friend

ly and _______ open attitude.

A. the, / B. a, an C. a, / D. the, an


【解析】句意为“在相互交流中,微笑通常是一种友好和开放的态度的明显特征。”a 用在可数名词sign前,泛指一类事物;friendly and open 是并列,修饰attitude。因此选C。

(2011﹒陕西﹒T 13)As is known to all, People’s Republic of China is biggest developing country in the world.

A. the ;不填 B. 不填 ;the C. the ;the D. 不填;不填



(2011﹒江西﹒T 22)——It’s said John will be in a job paying over $60,000 _____ year.

—— Right, he will also get paid by _____ week.

A. the; the B. a; the C. the; a D.a; a



(2012﹒全国卷II﹒T 7)He missed _____gold in the high jump, but will get _____second chance in the long jump.

A. the, the B. /, a C. the, a D. a, /



(2012﹒江西﹒T 21)The Smiths don’t usually stay at hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by ________ sea.

A./; a B.the; the C./; the D.the; a



(2012﹒浙江﹒T 2)The develop

ment of industry has been_______ gradual process throughout _______ human existence, from stone tools to modern technology.

A. 不填, the B. the; a C. a; 不填 D. a; a



(2012﹒安徽﹒T 22)Carl is studying food science at college and hopes to open up meat processing factory of his own one day.

A. / ; a B. / ;the C. the ; a D. the ; the


【解析】本题考查冠词,science是不可数名词,用the表示特指是不可能的,后面的factory是一个可数名词,用a 表示泛指。

(2012﹒重庆﹒T 24)Sam has been appointed _______ manager of the engineering department to take ____ place of George.

A. /,/ B. the,/ C the the D./, the


【解析】句意:Sam被任命为工程部经理取代了George。表示官衔职务的名词作补语和同位语时,前不加冠词。在题干中,“manager”表示职务,作主语补足语,不需要加冠词,而第二个空白处为固定短语“take the place of”,是“代替,取代”之意。因此,正确答案为D选项。

(2012﹒辽宁﹒T 21)I woke up with bad headache, yet by evening the pain had gone.

A. the; the B. the; an C. a; the D. a; an



(2012﹒全国新课程﹒T 22) Sarah looked at finished painting with satisfaction.

A.不填;a B. a; the C. the; 不填 D. the; a

【答案】C【解析】第一空特指“已经画完的画”;第二空考查介词短语with satisfaction意为:满意地,作状语。此处satisfaction为抽象名词,在此短语中不用冠词。句意:Sarah满意地看着那幅已画完的画。

(2012﹒全国新课程﹒T 29) Being able to afford _______ drink would be ______ comfort in those tough times.

A. the; the B. a; a C. a; 不填 D. 不填;a


【解析】此处考查抽象名词具体化。第一空中的a drink意为:一杯饮料;第二空中的a comfort意为:一件令人安慰的事。句意:在那些艰难的岁月里,能买得起一杯饮料是一种莫大的安慰。

(2013﹒福建﹒T 21) The “Chinese Dream” is ______ dream to improve people’s well-being and ______ dream of harmony, peace and development.

A. the; a B. a; a C. a

; the D. the; the





(2013﹒江西﹒T32) Animals are obviously ______ lower form of life than _____

__ man.

A. a ; / B. the ; the C. a ; the D. / ; /



(2013﹒山东﹒T 22) It was ______ cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across _

___ night sky.A. 不填;a B. a;

the C. the; a D. the; 不填



寒冷冬夜的夜空。从语境可知第1空意为“一个寒冷的夜晚”,表泛指,要用a;第2空的名词across the nigh

t s

ky 意思为“划过夜空”。

(2013﹒陕西﹒T 19) Marco Polo is said to have sailed on Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in I thirteenth century.

A. the; a B. a; /

C. /; the D. the; the

【答案】 D


(2013﹒新课标II﹒T 13) Four and half hours of discussion took us up

to midnight, and break for cheese, chocolate and tea with sugar.

A. a; a B. the; the C.不填;the D. a;不填



时的讨论使我们一直熬到半夜,然后是一次休息,吃点乳酪、巧克力,喝加糖的茶。四个半个小时的表达方法常见的有两个:(1)four hours and a half (2) four and a half hours。两种方法都要用到不定冠词a,排除选项B,C;bread 做名词,当“休息”讲的时候,通常都要用到不定冠词a,排除选项C.

(2013﹒新课标I﹒T 31) India attained independence in 1947, after long struggle.

A.不填;a B. the; a C. an;不填 D. an; the

【答案】 A


独立。解题的关键在于independence前面有没有冠词。柯林斯高级英语学习词典对independence的解释是:If a country has or gains independence, it has its own government and is not ruled by any other country.由此锁定正确答案是A,因为independence是不可数名词,而不可和不定冠

词an连用,这样答案锁定了A和B。gain independence(获得独立)或declare independence(宣布独立)是固定短语,不和冠词连用,故第一个空不填任何冠词,正确答案是A。

(2013﹒浙江﹒T 15) People develop ______ preference for a particular style of learning at ______ early age and these preferences affect learning.

A. a; an B. a; 不填 C. 不填; the D. the; an


【解析】人们培养了对特定学习风格的一种偏好在很早的年龄,这些偏好会影响学习。preference 可以是抽象名词,在这里具体化,表示“ 一种偏好”。

(2013﹒重庆﹒T32) The parents were shocked

by news that their son needed operation on his knee.

A. a;/ B. the; / C. the; an D. a; an




(2014﹒江西﹒T 22) They chose Tom to be ________ captain of the team, because they knew he was ________ smart leader.

A. a; the B. the; the C. the; a D. a; a



(2014﹒陕西﹒T 19) ________ village where I was born has grown into ________ town.

A. The; a B. A; the C. The; the D. A; a



(2014﹒天津﹒T 8) Life is like ________ ocean: only ________ strong­willed can reach the other shore.

A. an; the B. the; a C. the ;/ D. / ; a


【解析】根据第二个空前的关键词only(只有),可知第二个空表示特指,需用定冠词the,由此可选择A。第一个空用an表示泛指,可知生活就像一个海洋似的。句意: 生活像一片海洋,只有那些意志坚强的人才能到达彼岸。

(2014﹒浙江﹒T 2) The paper is due next month,and I am working seven days ________ week,often long into ________ night.

A.a; the B.the; 不填 C.a; a D.不填; the


【解析】下个月要交论文了,我现在一个星期七天,每天都要学习到深夜。第一空a week中的a表示“每个,每……”,所以用不定冠词a,相当于per;而第二空into the night是固定用法,表示“入夜,深夜”,所以用定冠词the。故选A项。

(2014﹒重庆﹒T 6) I can't tell you ________ way to the Wilsons' because we don't have ________ Wilson here in the village.

A. the; a B. a; / C. a; the D. the; /


【解析】考查冠词的用法。way后有to the Wilsons'这一后置定语修饰,表示特指,用定冠词。姓氏前用不定冠词,表示一个叫这个名字的人,是泛指,此处意为“村子里没有一个叫Wilson的人”。

(2015﹒陕西﹒T27) more learned a man is, more modest be usually become.

A. The ; the B. A; a C. The ; a D. A; the



(2015﹒四川﹒T5).Brian is gifted in writing music; he is very likely to be Beethoven.

A. a B. an C. the D.不填



(2015﹒浙江﹒T2) Jane’s grandmother had wanted to write children’s book for many years, but one thing or another always got in way.

A. a;不填 B. the;the C. 不填;the D. a;the


【解析】试题分析:句意:多年来,简的奶奶想写一本有关于儿童的书,但总是被这样或那样的原因阻碍了。第一个空使用不定冠词表泛指,第二个in the way 是固定搭配,意为挡道或阻碍。定冠词用于特指或者是固定搭配,不定冠词用于泛指。选D。

(2015﹒重庆﹒T3) I just heard____ bank where Dora works was robbed by____ gunman wearing a mask.

A. the; / B. a; / C. the; a D. a; the



(2016﹒浙江﹒T2)______prize for the winner of the competition is ______two-week holiday in Paris.

A. The ; 不填 B. A ; 不填 C. A ; the D. The ; a



试题分析: 句意:这个比赛获胜者的奖品是一个巴黎的两个星期的假期。第一空填the,是特指“获胜者的奖品”,用定冠词,第二空是泛指“一个两周的假期”,用不定冠词a。故选A。


(2019﹒浙江﹒T57)Everybody wears___57___ same style of clothes.



(2019﹒新课标I卷﹒T69)Of ___69___ nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations, three are declining, six are (be) stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enough data.



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