
Li Run asked me how I would rate my happiness on a scale of 1 to 100. Ninety-eight, I replied. He was greatly amazed and blurted out, "How could it be so high?" I was also a little surprised and asked, "Well, are you unhappy?" He explained that he had put this question to many people, and few had rated their happiness over eighty. He wondered why I gave my happiness such a high score.

how about to swim in the river 从春游到溺水FromSpring(1)


I am also thrust into confusion: why are so many people unhappy? Thus, I asked Li Run what made him feel unhappy. He was at a loss for words and told me he just was not as happy as he had expected. It suddenly dawns on me that many people wish to lead a happy life every day, which is really difficult to realize. In fact, it is the unduly high expectation of happiness that engenders unhappiness.

how about to swim in the river 从春游到溺水FromSpring(2)


What is the antonym of 'happiness'? Is it a 'mishap'? I guess it is the 'imperception' of happiness.


When one's perception of happiness is on the gradual decline, it is hard for him or her to perceive happiness. While I was attending Positive Psychology, a very vivid description impressed me deeply. Adult pursuits of happiness nowadays are divided into two modes. One is the drowning mode. That is, only will the moment of being extricated from suffocating feelings bring him or her happiness. Before it, one has to suffer agony. For instance, some believe that happiness is to earn a huge sum of money; some argue that happiness is to find a soul mate; some insist that happiness is to start a successful business of their own, etc. One inevitably has to bear the enduring pain before achieving his or her goal. The other is spring outing mode. Every step, whether it is process or result, is full of happiness. In our childhood, we jump up and down with joy on hearing the news of a spring outing, return home and prepare everything for the excursion happily, chat with our classmates on the bus jovially, and elate at every moment after arriving at our destination. In a nutshell, happiness pervades in the whole process. Growing up into adulthood, we can hardly have such feelings and evolve to drowning mode from spring outing mode. The reason is that our perception of happiness is waning.

how about to swim in the river 从春游到溺水FromSpring(3)


Perhaps because of too much contact with patients and their awful tribulations, I cherish what I have possessed gratefully and content with my lot.


We cannot imagine how delighted it is for a blind to regain normal vision and how vital 10,000 Yuan is for a patient who cannot pay the hospital bill. These truths are easily understood. However, I did not realize that I have been given so much until I came into contact with these patients in person. Many things frequently fill my heart with gratitude, such as the crisp and clear sky, a flat that shelters me from scorching heat and piercing cold, the short commuting distance, a steady job with a fixed payment, etc.

how about to swim in the river 从春游到溺水FromSpring(4)


I believe there is a relation beyond languages and behaviors between man and man, man and all things. If one could live in the world with positive thoughts, for which he or she would receive requital accordingly. Bygones have been bygones, and the future is still uncertain. What I can seize is this very moment. I observe the beautiful dance of a leaf whirling in the air. I feel the burst of an orange segment in my mouth, regarding the sweet taste as nature's blessing. Such little happiness is worth my cherishing and relishing. When I live on with this kind of philosophy, my life is fraught with happy moments.

how about to swim in the river 从春游到溺水FromSpring(5)


If you don't take such and such a goal as the only measuring stick of happiness but face your current life with positive thoughts and build your future optimistically, your heart will be full of happiness no matter what results are attained in the end. For example, Tianci and his father, Weiwei and her mother, invariably perceive the goodness and goodwill of life, so they harbor optimistic attitudes toward life even though confronted with a seemingly desperate future. Though Tianci and Weiwei have been totally blind now, I still can feel the air of happiness and optimism in them. Therefore, I insist that happiness is not given by the external world but the satisfaction with one's current life gushing from one's inner heart. Being content with one's lot is a high mental realm. If one can help others inferior to them to their best, this kind of giving is always requited. By comparison, one can treasure what he or she has possessed all the more. By giving, one can recognize his or her own life value. Who can say it is not a kind of happiness?

how about to swim in the river 从春游到溺水FromSpring(6)
