

What did I get up to this weekend? Well, I met up with a friend who I realise I no longer get along with. She keeps getting at me about my new boyfriend, who, she insists, I need to get rid of because he’s useless. She’s sure I’ll get over him really quickly because I can do better anyway. I just wish she would be more supportive of my decisions!


Let’s get on with it then,好吗?

1. Get on with it

I’m running out of time with this project! I just need to get on with it and not worry about doing it perfectly.


2. Get over


That was a bad break up. It took me a long time to get over it.

get over something是指从一段困难的经历中恢复过来。人们通常用这个来解释他们必须克服的挑战。

3. Get [it] over with

I hate exams! I just want to get them over with so I can enjoy my break.


4. Get up to

What did you get up to this weekend? I went to the cinema with my friends.


5. Get out of

I’m so glad they hired a babysitter so I got out of looking after my younger sister!

To get out of doing something means to avoid it. It’s used to talk about avoiding something you dislike. I personally love it when I get out of doing the dishes!

To get out of doing sth意思是避免做某事。它用来谈论避免你不喜欢的事情。

6. Get along with

I’m close to my family – I get along with my sister really well.

这个动词短语的意思是“与某人保持良好的关系”。这可以与“get on with [someone]”互换使用。

7. Get through

I couldn’t get through the film – it was so boring!

“get through”在这里的意思是完成或完成某事。它可以用在谈论一个任务、一个项目或任何有开始和结束的事情。

8. Get through to

I tried to explain the importance of wearing a mask to prevent the spread of the virus but I just couldn’t get through to him.


9. Get off on

He really gets off on being the boss and taking control.

“Get off”在英式英语中有很多意思,所以你必须在“Get off”之后使用正确的介词,以避免暗示一些你不是有意的东西!“get off on”的意思是对某件事感到兴奋——在某种程度上,它可能带有性的含义。

10. Get off with

I heard she got off with him at the party.


11. Get around





12. Get at


在这里,“to get at”的意思是“对……生气”。这个人的新老板因为他迟到而严厉批评他。


13. Get rid of

I really need to get rid of the old sofa – it’s really ugly.
