Hello everyone ![玫瑰][玫瑰]

I would like to discuss the idea of getting English naturally as opposed to learning it from grammar books.When you were a small child, you didn't learn Chinese from a grammar book.You learned it from hearing it, speaking it and then from reading it and writing it. Gradually you learned it. You probably didn't look at a grammar book for years. Grammar books are good, but only as a support. If you use them too much, you won't learn English intuitively. To learn the language intuitively guarantees that you will be able to speak it fluently, and read and write it with ease in the shortest time。

If you learn English through grammar books you will always question how you are saying things, and your progress will be very slow. Grammar books are not important for learning to speak, read, and write a language. Many universities in the US teach foreign languages without grammar. They find that students who learn a language by the rules of grammar develop problems in speaking that students learn intuitively by listening, speaking, reading, and writing don't have. The most natural way to learn a language is to listen, speak, read, and write. Grammar can come later. You learn grammar when you already have the language, and can communicate with it。

When you were growing up, you learned Chinese naturally. You didn't learn it by studying grammar books. This how to learn any language. If you listen, the grammar comes naturally. Buy a collection of stories that are easy to understand. Read a story. Read it over and over again. Listen to the story. Then go to the next story. And ask questions; What is this? What is that? What does this mean? What does that mean? How do you say this? How do you say that? Communicate with others. And practice. Also write in English. It doesn't matter how good it is. What matters is that you make yourself understood. Don't worry about grammar. Don't question how things are said, just listen and imitate what you hear. That's the most natural and easy way。

Practice is the key,Before you know it, you'll be fluent of you practice,I wish you the best of everything。Enjoy this process. It grows. You understand more and more,It is my sincere wish that we all go forward together to constantly improve our skills in English。

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练习是关键.在你意识到之前,如果你不断练习,你就会说得很流利,祝你们一切顺利,享受学英语的这个过程,这个过程会增长,你会了解得越来越多 ,我衷心希望我们大家共同努力,不断提高我们的英语水平。




