Lesson 70 When were they there? 他们是什么时候在那里的?




When were they at the stationer's? They were at the stationer's on Monday.

where were they on Friday? They were at the grocer's on Friday

What month were you in Austria? We were in Austria in August.

Where were you in December? We were in Finland in December.

When was he at the office? He was at the office on March 23rd

Where was he on June 26th? He was at the tobacco's on June 26th.


When were they at the stationer's? They were at the stationer's on Monday.

Where were they on Friday? They were at the grocer's on Friday



What month were you in Austria? We were in Austria in August.

Where were you in December? We were in Finland in December.



When was he at the office? He was at the office on March 23rd

Where was he on June 26th? He was at the tobacco's on June 26th.




stationer n. 文具商

at the stationer's 在文具店

at the grocer's 在食杂店

at the office 在办公室

on Friday 在周五 (在星期几前面 用 介词 on, 表示在周几?)

in December 在十二月(月份前面 用介词 in ,表示在几月份)

on June 26th 在六月二十六日 (几月几日的前面用介词on, 表示在几月几日)
