


Are you free next Sunday?

I'm wondering if you're free for dinner/a barbecue?

How do you think about going out for a meal?

Would you be interested in going to KTV?


We'll be delighted to have you/if you can come.


We'd be delighted to attend your wedding ceremony.

Good idea/Sounds great.


I'd love to, but I already booked up/I'm doing something else then.

be booked up 跟别人约好了

I'm afraid tomorrow is a bit of a problem. Can we make it another time/day?

Sorry I can't. But thanks anyway.


I'm sorry, but I have to cancel our luncheon appointments.

I'm sorry to hear that.

I have pressing business to attend to. /

I have some urgent business to deal with.

No problem. We'll make it later in the month. /I'll catch up later.

This lunch is on me today.

I think you got it last time.

It's my pleasure.

Well. shall we split the check?

Why don't you let me pick it up?

pick up这里表示付钱,它还有接人,捡起的意思。

Oh, that's not necessary.


It's on me. /My treat. /I'll pick up the check.


Let's go Dutch.

Split the bill/check.

have seperate check.

If you are free, how about lunch?

When did you have in mind?

I was thinking about Thursday.

that will be fine with me. /That'll suit me fine.


Is that all right/fine with everyone?
