文 | 季益广



1. Free school lunches are given to children ___ qualify.符合条件的儿童可获得免费的学生午餐。

2. You may qualify for unemployment ___.你也许有资格领取失业救济金。

3. Membership qualifies you for a ___ on purchases.会员购买可以享受优惠。

4. I finally qualified ___ a pilot.我终于取得了飞行员资格。

5. After qualifying, doctors ___ at least two years working in hospitals.医生在取得资格后至少还要在医院工作两年。

6. It doesn’t qualify as a ___ if you bring your children with you.如果你带孩子一起来,那还算什么约会。

7. Fluency in three languages qualifies her ___ work in the European Parliament.她能流利地说三种语言,这使她有资格在欧洲议会工作。

8. The certificate qualifies you to work as a ___ assistant.这份证书能使你有资格当牙医助手。

9. She qualified for a ___ on the U.S. Olympic speed skating team.她入选美国奥运速度滑冰队。

10. Could I just qualify that last ___?我能具体说明一下最后那句话吗?

11. We’re conducting a ___ study of social educational services.我们正在对社会教育服务进行一项定性研究。

12. Women’s experiences are ___ different from men’s.女性的经历与男性的经历有着实质上的差别。

13. Dawn is well qualified for her new ___.唐十分胜任她的新角色。

14. The guides are qualified to lead ___ into the mountains.这些导游有资格带团进山。

15. If you don’t speak German, you’re not qualified to ___.如果你不会说德语,你就没有资格评论。

16. There are qualified ___ on hand to advise you.随时有合格的教练来指导你。

17. She is a ___ qualified nurse.她是一名完全合格的护士。

18. He is a ___ qualified social worker.他是一名有专业资格的社会工作者。

19. Are you ___ qualified?你有行医资格吗?

20. He is qualified to teach biology ___ high school level.他有资格教高中生物。

21. The proposal received ___ approval.这个提议只得到有保留的赞同。

22. The program was considered a ___ success.这个节目被认为只取得了一定程度的成功。

23. Is it worth the money? The answer is a qualified ___.它值这么多钱吗?答案是未必。

24. He’s among the qualifiers for the Lancome ___ at Paris.他是巴黎兰蔻杯赛的入围者之一。

25. They will compete the World Cup qualifier ___ the Netherlands.他们将对阵荷兰的世界杯预选赛。

26. He left school ___ any qualifications.他离校时没有拿到任何文凭。

27. We’re looking for graduates with ___ in math or science.我们需要具备数学或理科学历的毕业生。

28. These are health and fitness qualifications for ___ in the football club.这些是加入足球俱乐部所需要的健康条件。

29. There have been ___ about his qualifications to lead the company.他领导公司的能力受到质疑。

30. Does he have the right qualifications to become a Supreme Court ___?他具备担任最高法院大法官所需要的条件吗?


31. Upon qualification, you can ___ to find work abroad fairly easily.取得资格之后,你在国外找工作就会比较容易。

32. It’s a long ___ to go for us to get the qualification for the World Cup.要获得世界杯参赛资格,我们还有很长的路要走。

33. I ___ without qualification the Minister’s proposal.我无条件赞同部长的建议。

34. You don’t ___ to have any qualifications for this job.这份工作不需要任何学历。

35. 40 percent of the prisoners ___ any qualifications.40%的犯人没有任何学历。

36. I want to ___ the qualifications so that I can become a doctor.我想取得文凭,那样就能当医生了。

37. Eva had excellent ___ qualifications.伊娃拥有相当出色的学历。

38. Too many children leave school without any ___ qualifications.太多的孩子离校时没有拿到文凭。

39. She has a ___ and a teaching qualification.她拥有学位和教学资格。

40. Much of the land was ___ poor quality.很多地的土质很差。

41. Use only ___ quality ingredients.只使用上等的材料。

42. The quality of the water is ___ good.水质还算不错。

43. He ___ strong leadership qualities.他表现出很好的领导素质。

44. He has the personal qualities ___ to be a successful salesman.他具有成为成功的销售员所必需的个人素质。

45. An auditor must have the ___ of honesty and independence.审计师必须具有诚实和独立的品性。

46. It’s difficult to get rid of drug ___ because of the drug’s addictive quality.毒瘾之所以难戒是因为毒品令人上瘾的特性。

47. We need to study the physical and chemical qualities of the ___ this area before we start the project.在项目动工前,我们需要研究这一地区岩石的物理特性和化学特性。

48. He ___ pride in the quality of his craftsmanship.他为自己的好手艺而自豪。

49. They export a large ___ of wines of quality to China every year.每年他们向中国出口大量的优质葡萄酒。

50. What we need most is drugs that improve the quality of life for very ___ patients.我们最需要的是能改善重病患者生活质量的药物。

51. Sam’s schoolwork has shown a ___ improvement in quality this year.今年萨姆的学业在质量上有显著的提高。

52. These shoes ___ of good quality.这些鞋子质量很好。

53. I only buy good quality ___.我只买优质的葡萄酒。

54. The quality of the picture ___ our television isn’t very good.我们电视图像质量不好。

55. He’s not interested in quality. All he ___ about is making money.他对质量并无兴趣,一心只想赚钱。

56. All the members of the orchestra are musicians of ___ quality.乐队的所有成员都是水平很高的音乐家。

57. My quality of life has ___ tremendously since I moved to the country.自从我搬到农村住后,生活质量大大提高了。

58. The market for quality cars remains ___.高级轿车的市场依然很有势头。

59. ___ a real quality job you’ve done there, Bob.鲍勃,你那工作干得很出色。

60. The story received little ___ in the quality newspapers.这条新闻在高品位报纸上几乎没有什么提及报道。


61. Although we did things like shopping and housework together, our marriage suffered because we had very little ___ time.尽管我们在一起购物或做家务之类的事,可我们的婚姻不够愉快,因为我们很少有用来融洽关系的时间。

62. I don’t think he has the ___ qualities to be a politician.我认为他不具备做一个政治家的素质。

63. Do you think she ___ the necessary managerial qualities to do this job?你认为她具备从事这个工作所必须的管理素质吗?

64. We’re looking for someone ___ the qualities of patience, tolerance and understanding.我们正在物色一个人,他必须具有耐心、宽容和善解人意的品质。

65. This cheese has a ___ rubbery quality.这种干酪具有橡胶般的弹性。

66. I was ___ that the quality of their work was so high.他们的工作质量很高,给我留下深刻的印象。

67. The magazine is printed ___ low quality paper.这本杂志的印刷纸张质量很差。

68. The T-shirts are ___ $10 and the quality is excellent.这些体恤衫才十块钱,而且质量非常好。

69. These speakers offer ___ quality sound.这些扬声器音质优异。

70. Our chef uses only ___ quality ingredients.我们的厨师只用顶级食材。

71. Scientists took samples to ___ the water quality.科学家取样化验水质。

72. The measures will ___ the quality of the water in the river.这些措施将会改善河水水质。

73. Lack of sleep started to ___ the quality of his work.睡眠不足开始影响他的工作质量。

74. The equipment is used to ___ the city’s air quality.这台设备用于监测城市的空气质量。

75. Greater investment is needed to ___ the European Union’s strict quality standards.为了达到欧盟严格的质量标准,需要更多投资。

76. The quality of mercy is not ___.仁慈不是出于勉强。

77. I hope to ___ at the end of the year.我希望在年底获得资格。

78. Christ has just qualified ___ a doctor.克里斯刚刚获得了医生资格。

79. Ann’s disappointed that she hasn’t qualified ___ the next round in the tennis competition.安没有获得进入下一轮网球比赛的资格,感到很失望。

80. England has to win tonight’s ___ match to go through to the next round of the competition.英格兰必须通过今晚的预赛才能进入下一轮比赛。

81. In what ___ do you think your experience in publishing qualifies you for this job?你从哪方面觉得你在出版业中的经验能使得你有资格得到这份工作?

82. Just because you’ve done a short course on cookery, that doesn’t qualify you as an ___ chef.你仅仅上过短期的烹饪课程,你还没有资格当高级厨师。

83. Simply knowing a lot about a ___ doesn’t qualify you to teach it.仅仅是知道某个科目的许多东西并不证明你有资格教它。

84. Tim is now a ___ architect.蒂姆现在是一个获得资格证书的建筑师。

85. What ___ you think that you’re qualified for this job?是什么使得你认为有资格从事这份工作?

86. I’m not qualified to ___ advice on such matters.我没有资格在这样的事情上提出建议。

87. The qualifiers from the first round will go into the ___ final.通过第一轮比赛的人(或队)将进入四分之一决赛。

88. Belgium and Italy are playing in tonight’s ___.比利时队和意大利队将在今晚的预赛中上场。

89. I asked if I could apply for free dental ___, but I was told that I didn’t qualify.我询问时是否能申请免费牙医治疗,可是我被告知没有这个权利。

90. She doesn’t qualify for ___ leave because she hasn’t been in her job long enough.她无权休产假,因为她工作年限不够。

91. Being a single parent qualifies you for ___ benefits.作为一个单身父(母)亲使得你有权获得额外的福利金。

92. I’d like to qualify what I just said about the school’s failings, by adding that it’s a very happy place.我想补充说学校是个很快乐的地方,尽管刚才我说了学校的种种不尽如人意之处。

93. He qualified his remarks when he realized they might cause ___. 当他意识到他的评论可能冒犯别人时,他作了一些修正。

94. You’ll never get a good job ___ you don’t have any qualifications.你要是没有任何资格证书就永远得不到一份好工作。

95. Do you have any teaching ___?你有没有教师合格证书?

96. One of the qualifications you need to work here is a ___ of humor.你在这里工作所需要的条件之一就是幽默感。

97. Qualifications as a doctor ___ several years.获得医生的职业资格需要几年。

98. After certain qualifications, the proposal was ___.经过了特定的限制之后,提议被接受了。

99. The doctor said I can leave hospital today, but with the qualification that I’ve got to come back every day to have the dressing ___.医生说我今天可以出院了,不过条件是我得每天回来换绷带。

100. There seems to be qualified support ___ the idea.对于这个观点似乎有着有保留的支持。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 who 2 benefit 3 discount 4 as 5 spend 6 date 7 for 8 dental 9 spot 10 statement 11 qualitative 12 qualitatively 13 role 14 groups 15 comment 16 instructors 17 fully 18 professional 19 medically 20 at 21 qualified 22 qualified 23 yes 24 Trophy 25 against 26 without 27 qualifications 28 membership 29 questions 30 Justice 31 expect 32 way 33 welcome 34 need 35 lack 36 get 37 academic 38 educational 39 degree 40 of 41 high 42 reasonably 43 shows 44 necessary 45 qualities 46 addiction 47 rock 48 took 49 quantity 50 ill 51 marked 52 are 53 wine 54 on 55 cares 56 real 57 improved 58 strong 59 That’s 60 coverage 61 quality 62 right 63 possesses 64 with 65 rather 66 impressed 67 on 68 only 69 superior 70 top 71 test 72 improve 73 affect 74 monitor 75 meet 76 strained 77 quality 78 as 79 for 80 qualifying 81 way 82 expert 83 subject 84 qualified 85 makes 86 give 87 quarter 88 qualifier 89 treatment 90 maternity 91 extra 92 failings 93 offence 94 if 95 qualifications 96 sense 97 takes 98 accepted 99 changed 100 for
