第2期:英语《My home A let's learn》








《My home》教案

1. Teaching aims

1) Knowledge aim

Students will be able to master the new words, such as: living room, kitchen, bedroom, study and bathroom. They can master the sentence patterns: Is she in the study? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

2) Ability aim

Students are able to master the usage of the new words & sentences and describe their home in real situation.

3) Emotional aim

Students can realize “east or west, home is best.”

2. Important and difficult points

1) Important point

Students will be guided to master the new words and sentences.

2) Difficult point

Students should pay more attention to the pronunciation of the new word- bedroom and describe their home briefly.

3. Teaching and learning methods

Task-based language teaching method; Situational Teaching method; cooperative learning method; independent learning method

4. Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warm-up

Teacher will sing a chant to attract their attention and arouse their enthusiasm In my home: I take a bath in the bathroom, in the bathroom, in the bathroom; I go to sleep in the bedroom, in the bedroom, in the bedroom; I cook dinner in the kitchen, in the kitchen, in the kitchen; I watch TV in the living room, in the living room, in the living room; I read a book in the study, in the study, in the study.

Step 2: Lead in & Presentation

Show a picture of one’s home. Let students guess whose home is it? Then show five rooms in this home.

Teacher will play a short video about Peppa Pig. Suppose Peppa Pig and her little brother George are playing hide and seek. Teacher will let students help George find Peppa out and then lead the new word “bedroom” and the sentence patterns: Is she in the bedroom? --- No, she isn’t / Yes, she is.

Then teacher will teach the other new words in the same way.

After teaching the new words, students will be listened to the tape in let’s learn part and imitate the pure pronunciation and intonation.

Step 3: Practice

1) High & Low voice. Teacher will play a game “High & Low voice” to consolidate the new words. For example: If teacher reads “study” in high voice, students should “read” study in low voice.

2) Have a discussion. After this game, students will have a discussion about what can they do in these five rooms. Then lead the chant: Go to the living room, watch TV. Go to the bathroom, take a shower. Go to the bedroom, have a nap. Go to the kitchen, have some snake. Go to the study, read a book. Let students listen to the tape and follow it.

Step 4: Production

1) Group work. Teacher will set a situation---Imagine George’s dinosaur was missing. George is very sad. Let students use the new words and sentence patterns to make a conversation and then help him to find it out.

2) Students can use the furniture they have got during the competition between group1 and group 2 to design their own room. The nicer room can get teacher’s reward. Then lead students to know “East or west, home is best”.

Step 5: Summary and homework

Teacher leads students to summarize what they have learned in this class.

Homework: Introduce your home to your friends.

5. Blackboard design

