Part 1 阅读理解

Passage 1


A road is a path that links two places. The Silk Road is a path that has linked the Eastern and Western worlds for more than 2,000 years.But did you know: the Silk Road is not a single route (路线)! It is actually a series of trade and cultural transmission (传送) routes that started in ancient times. It began during the Western Han Dynasty. The trade route started from the city of Xi’an in Shaanxi province and ended in Eastern Europe, near today’s Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea (地中海). The Silk Road was about 6,500 kilometers long. It went across one-fourth of the planet.The Silk Road got its name because Chinese silk used to be carried along this road. Apart from silk, jade (玉器), ceramics (陶器) and iron went west to Rome. From the west came glass, gems, and food like carrots and sesame (芝麻).The Silk Road was very important to both China and the rest of the world. In addition to goods, knowledge of science, arts and literature, as well as crafts and technology, was shared across the Silk Roads. In this way, languages and cultures developed and influenced each other.Today, places along the Silk Road are known as top travel destinations, such as the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an and Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Gansu. Beginning in August, 2014, a train line, the New Orient Express, started to run from Beijing across the Silk Road. People are able to take the train and see the sights along the ancient route.

Choose the answer: 1. What do we know about the Silk Road?A. There is only one route along the Silk Road.B. It started from Xi’an during the Eastern Han Dynasty.C. Silk was once carried along the road.D. It crossed one-fifth of the planet.

2. Which of the following things was taken from China to the West?A. Glass. B. Jade. C. Gems. D. Carrots.

3. The Silk Road was of great importance mainly because _____.A. it encouraged many people to become tradersB. it was the oldest and longest road in the worldC. it improved exchanges between China and the WestD. it made China strong and wealthy

4. We can infer from the passage that _____.A. places along the route are popular among touristsB. Xi’an and Dunhuang are the road’s most-visited placesC. tourists can’t travel along the Silk Road by train D. the Silk Road is no longer important to China

Passage 2

The Forbidden City is also called “zijincheng (purple forbidden city)”. How did it get this name?The Forbidden City in Beijing was the emperors’ palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Though its walls are red and its roofs are yellow, the palace’s name mentions the color purple. However, this has more to do with what the palace stands for than what it looks like.The character zi refers to the “ziwei star (Polaris, 北极星)”. According to ancient Chinese astronomy (天文学), the ziwei star was surrounded by 28 other stars, meaning it was the heart of the sky and heavens. People believed that the palace of the God Emperor, which is called ziweigong, or ziwei palace, was located on this star.Chinese emperors were believed to be the sons of the God Emperor. It was believed that their palace on Earth should be just like the ziweigong in the sky. That’s how the Forbidden City got its name.In Chinese culture, many people believe that the color purple stands for good luck. This belief began with Laozi, the ancient philosopher and founder of Taoism (道教) who lived around 2,500 years ago. One day, when Laozi was traveling through the Hangu Pass (函谷关) in Henan from the east, a purple mist suddenly appeared in the air. Pass commissioner Yin Hsi believed that this mist was connected to Laozi in some way. This “purple air from the east” story made people believe the color was a symbol of great sages (圣人) from that point on.

Choose the answer:1. What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 2?A. The emperors had nothing to do in the palace. B. The palace’s name has a deeper meaning than it seems.C. The palace’s name has nothing to do with the color purple. D. The palace’s walls are yellow and red, not purple.

2. From the passage, we know that _____.A. the God Emperor is the son of the Chinese emperor B. purple stood for bad luck in ancient Chinese cultureC. it was believed that ziweigong was on the ziwei starD. ancient people didn’t like ziweigong

3. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?A. Why Laozi was the founder of Taoism.B. How Laozi was connected to purple.C. What “purple air from the east” means.D. Which places Laozi liked traveling to.

4. Which of the following might be a good title for this article? A. China’s “purple” palaceB. The role of Taoism in ChinaC. Development of the Forbidden CityD. Gods and emperors share common ground

Part 2 词句训练

根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. ______________ (luck), we are living in a world where AI is around us every day.2. The Silk Road began during the _____________ (west) Han Dynasty.3. The Forbidden City is one of the most famous ________________ (place of interest) in China.4. It ____________ (believe) that the color purple stands for good luck in Chinese culture.5. Laozi, an ancient Chinese philosopher, is the _______________ (found) of Taoism.6. AI _______________ (change) our lives a lot since it first appeared.7. 5G allows us _________________ (upload) and download data more quickly than before.8. The Silk Road enhanced __________________ (communicate) between the Eastern and Western worlds.9. With a 5G network, driverless cars that can drive more __________________ (safe) can become reality.10. With the help of a satnav system, a user’s __________________ (locate) can be precisely found.


Part 1 阅读理解Passage 1【文章大意】本文主要介绍了丝绸之路的历史、起源、往来贸易商品等基本概况,并阐明了其对中国和世界的重大意义,如今再度焕发出新机。1. C。根据第二段第1句 the Silk Road is not a single route,排除A;根据第二段第3和第4句,排除B;根据第二段最后一句排除D;根据第三段第1句得出选C。 2. B。根据第三段第2句 Apart from silk, jade, ceramics and iron went west to Rome. 得知 jade是从中国传至西方的。3. C。根据第四段可知,除了物资以外,丝绸之路在知识、工艺、科技、语言、文化等方面对中国和西方社会都产生了深远影响,故而丝绸之路在很多方面都成为连接中国和世界的桥梁。4. A。根据最后一段第1句可知,丝绸之路沿途城市成为很多游客的首选,可以推断出其受欢迎程度很高,故选A。

Passage 2【文章大意】本文主要讲述了紫禁城名称的由来。1. B。需要对划线部分的句子充分理解,才能答对这道题。这里有一个 more... than... 的结构,表达的是对前者的肯定,句意为:“然而,这与其说是与皇宫的外表有关,不如说是与皇宫的象征有关。”2. C。根据第四段第1句排除A选项;根据最后一段第1句good luck排除B选项;根据第四段第2句排除D;根据第三段第2~3句,得出C是正确选项。3. B。根据最后一段可以得知,主要讲述的是老子与紫色代表好运之间的关系,故选B。4. A。主要讲述了紫禁城与紫色的关系,A项可以很好地概括本文的意思。

Part 2 词句训练1. Luckily 2. Western 3. places of interest 4. is believed 5. founder 6. has changed 7. to upload 8. communication 9. safely 10. location

