With Russia's invasion of Ukraine flagging, and Ukrainian forces staging a breakthrough counteroffensive in recent weeks, President Putin on Wednesday ordered a partial mobilisation of 300,000 reservists, triggering fear that some men who are qualified to serve won’t be allowed to leave the country.


flag 是旗帜的意思, 下半旗就是All the flags were at half mast。其中的mast就是旗杆的意思。 作动词用to become tired, weaker or less enthusiastic。可以用来形容人或者物,children began to flag after arduous manual activities. 也可以说 confidence flagged.


发动反攻,进行了反攻 stage a counteroffensive

reservists 预备役人员来源于名词 reserve保存,储存。重音在第二个音节。

好比征军这个词,名词是conscription, 被征军的这个人就是conscript. 也可以作动词用 conscript.

Authorities said only experienced soldiers were going to be called up immediately.这里的call up 就是conscript/drat的意思。三者可以互换。


walk a fine line between (something)

To navigate or strike a balance between two sides, positions, or approaches to something, especially when trying to avoid one of them. The film walks a fine line between parody and homage. 抄袭、致敬
