导航意思: 个人的,私人的


解析: personal 指属于或关于某个人的,只作定语;也指有关个人生活的。

例句: Her personal view is that they should leave for Shanghai in October.

翻译: 她个人认为他们应该10月份动身去上海。

例句: They rented the room together, but the TV and that wooden chair were his personal belongings.

翻译: 他们合租了这间屋子,但是电视和那把木椅子是他的私人物品。

例句: Of course, this is just a personal opinion.

翻译: 当然了,这只是个人意见。


解析: private 指只供某个人或群体使用的,强调非公用性;也指私人的、与公事或官职无关的。

例句: Does he really have a private jet?

翻译: 他真的有一架私人喷气式飞机吗?

例句: She bought a computer for her private use.

翻译: 他的信是用口语体写的。


解析: individual 指属于或专供个体而非群体的,只作定语。

例句: Parents always want their children to get more individual attention in class.

翻译: 卧室是按照她的个人需求来设计的。

例句: The bedroom is designed to suit her individual needs.

翻译: 卧室是按照她的个人需求来设计的。

officially acceptable同义词(同义词辨析personalprivate)(1)
