
Public speaking is about conveying a message to your audience . Therefore , the focus should be on your audience and not on you as the speaker. On stage everything is amplified (放大) and not just your voice. If you are confident , this is amplified, and if you are lacking in Confidence , this is amplified too. Confidence in public speaking is important because it allows you to take your focus off yourself and focus on the audience instead. This is possible by having a healthy attitude toward the audience.

Many speakers' mind goes blank on stage because they have so many competing thoughts which make them upset about the result and the response of the audience. Being confident means you can think straight and manage your thoughts effectively. Getting rid of distracting thoughts allows you to concentrate on delivering the message.

Speakers that lack confidence often say something that is not linked to the story that they are telling and use complex language, so their messages can make the audience puzzled. Confident speakers have a message which is relevant, Simple and honest and they use personal stories to make a connection. The message is what the audience need or want to hear about and not just simply what they want to speak about . Speakers should keep in mind that they should prepare a message which is full of content designed for the audience instead of content designed to make them unable to understand.

There is no doubt that confidence is important. If a speaker has confidence, the audience in most cases wil respond positively to him or her. A speaker lacking in confidence may attempt to mask it in many ways, only to result in being treated as an arrogant (目中无人的) person. The audience are left questioning the speaker ’ s moti -vation for being on stage in the first place. A confident speaker is less likely to have the unknown factors .



It is important for speakers to have confidence in public speaking. (要点1) To have confidence in public speaking, speakers should free themselves from distracting thoughts, which van let them pay attention to delivering the message.(要点2) The peakers should also prepare a message full of content and stories all make themselves understood by the audience.(要点3) Meanwhilе, speakers who have confidence possibly don't have the unknown factors.(要点4)#高考##高考英语##2022高考#












