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Wanna ride?

What things you did even though you didn't wanna to do just to feel socially accepted?【译】你做了的什么事情是你不想做而只是为了觉得会被社会所更接受?【词法】even though是“尽管”的意思,为连词,引导让步状语从句用于引导让步状语从句。如:He went out even though it was raining. 尽管在下雨,他还是出去了。even though与even if很多情况下可以互换,但是还是有一些细微的区别。even though 引导的从句内容往往是真实的,主要用于引出不利用于主句情况的信息,相当于汉语的“尽管”,“虽然”。如上面例句中。而even if 引导的从句是往往是假设性的,相当于汉语的“即使”,“纵然”,如:Even if it rains tomorrow, we won't change our plan. 即使明天下雨,我们也决不改变计划。【单词】wanna ['won-uh, 'waw-nuh]['wɒnə] 想要(仅能用于口语;相当于“want to”或者“want a”) wanna的用法和样例: 例句 I wanna hold your hand. 我想握住你的手. You wanna slice of pie? 你想吃块派吗? If Tony were going, I wanna go to camp, too! 假使托尼要去训练营的话,我也要去。 He said he was sick, but I think he just do not wanna join us anymore. 他说他病了,但我想他只是不愿再加入我们的行列。【单词】socially 副词 ['soh-shuh l]['səʊʃəli] adv. 在社交上;在社会上;与礼貌行为相关【单词】accepted 原型:accept 动词过去分词 [ak-'sept][ək'sept] vt. 接受;同意;承担(责任等) vi. 接受

Got a job.【译】找到一份工作。

Sometimes I hear "wanna do something," but other times I hear "wanna to do something."【译】有时我听到“wanna do something”,但有时我听到“wanna to do something”【单词】hear 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) [heer][hɪə] v. 得知;倾听;听到

In the dictionary, I found that wanna means "want to."【译】在字典里,我发现wanna的意思是“want to”【单词】dictionary 名词 ['dik-shuh-ner-ee]['dɪkʃənri] n. 字典;辞典;词典

Why do some people use "wanna to"?【译】为什么有些人用“wanna to”?

It's probably (spoken/written) informal language.【译】可能是(口头/书面)非正式语言。【单词】informal 形容词 [in-'fawr-muhl][ɪn'fɔːml] adj. 非正式的;不拘形式的

Wanna is a shorthand for want to (except for third person singular).【译】Wanna是want to的缩写(第三人称单数除外)。【单词】shorthand 名词 ['shawrt-hand]['ʃɔːthænd] n. 速记;缩写【单词】except 介词、从属连词 [ik-'sept][ɪk'sept] prep. 除了 ... 之外 conj. 除非;除了 ... 之外;若不是 vt. 除;除外【单词】singular 名词 ['sing-gyuh-ler]['sɪŋɡjələ] adj. 单数的;奇特的;非凡的 n. 单数

Why they like that?【译】他们为什么喜欢那样?

They just wanna to.【译】他们只是想。

No native speaker of English would ever intend to say 'wanna to' as in 'I want to to ...'.【译】说英语的人都不会像说“wanna to”那样说“I want to to ...”。【单词】native 形容词 ['ney-tiv]['neɪtɪv] adj. 本国的;本土的;当地的 n. 土著;本地人;本国人【单词】speaker 名词 ['spee-ker]['spiːkə] n. 说话者;发言者;说某种语言者;扬声器【单词】intend 动词一般现在时(除第三人称单数) [in-'tend][ɪn'tend] vt. 想要;打算;意指【单词】intend to intend to 想要, 打算。

So you would also not want to transcribe what you heard as 'wanna to'【译】所以你也不想把你听到的写成“wanna to”【单词】transcribe 动词原形 [tran-'skrahyb][træn'skraɪb] v. 抄写;用音标标出;转录【单词】heard 原型:hear 动词过去式 [heer][hɪə] v. 得知;倾听;听到

even if it phonologically sounded like that.【译】即使它的语音听起来像那样。【词法】even if是“即使,纵然”的意思,为连词,用于引导让步状语从句。如:Even if it rains tomorrow, we won't change our plan. 即使明天下雨,我们也决不改变计划。even if与even though很多情况下可以互换,但是还是有一些细微的区别。even if 引导的从句是往往是假设性的,相当于汉语的“即使”,“纵然”,如上面例句中。而even though 引导的从句内容往往是真实的,主要用于引出不利用于主句情况的信息,相当于汉语的“尽管”,“虽然”。如:He went out even though it was raining. 尽管在下雨,他还是出去了。【短语】sound like ...,听起来像...;例句:This sound like a question about a person's health. 这个听上去像一个问别人的健康的问题。【单词】phonologically 名词 [fuh-'nol-uh-jee, foh-][fə'nɒlədʒi] n. 音韵学;音系学【单词】sounded 原型:sound 动词过去式 [sound][saʊnd] v. 听起来;感觉起来;发出声音;发音
