国务委员兼国防部长魏凤和在第九届香山论坛开幕式上表示,中方愿与各国一道,秉持共同、综合、合作、可持续的新安全观,升级完善亚太安全多边机制,打造新型亚太安全伙伴关系。China is willing to work with other countries, under a new vision of security featuring common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, to develop security rules, upgrade multilateral security mechanisms and build a new type of security partnership in the Asia-Pacific region, said Wei Fenghe, the state councilor and defense minister, at the opening ceremony of the 9th Beijing Xiangshan Forum.







It is advisable to uphold a new vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, discard Cold-War and zero-sum mentalities, reject the law of the jungle, and settle conflicts through peaceful ways, while rejecting such approaches as beggaring thy neighbor and seeking benefits at the expense of others.



和平发展道路the path of peaceful development

国家安全观national security outlook

国家安全制度体系national security systems and institutions

