



二、分类 用法



(1)及物动词vt.(transitive verb)

①及物动词 宾语。

Tom likes juice.

注意: "语感助吾看一房二厅三室"(一感二听三使五看半帮助)↓

A.特点(主动省略to,被动to还原): 在主动语态中,这类动词所带宾语补足语需要省略to;在被动语态中,这类动词省略的to要还原。

a.Mike often hears Tom sing songs.(主动语态)

b.Tom is often heard to sing songs by Mike.(被动语态)


a.一感: feel

b.二听: hear, listen to

c.三使(使役动词): let, have, make

d.五看: see, watch, observe, notice, look at

e.半帮助: help(半个意为help sb. do sth.或help sb. to do sth.都可以)

(2)不及物动词vi.(intransitive verb)


Tom ran yesterday.


Tom arrived in Guangzhou yesterday.

注意: 遇到地点副词(home, there, here...),不及物动词加介词构成的短语需要省略介词。

Tom got home yesterday.(get to 到达, 省略to)


(1)非延续性动词: borrow, lend, buy, come, go, arrive, join, die...

Tom borrowed a book from the library yesterday.

(2)延续性动词: keep, sleep, work, live...

Tom has kept the book for 2 days.

(3)非延续性动词→延续性动词(这类转换也是现在完成时的一个难点,具体可看之前发布的文章“现在完成时”英语时态:现在完成时the Present Perfect Tense)

①borrow/lend→keep, buy→have...

②die→be dead, marry→be married,open→be open...

③join→be in/be a member of, leave→be away, begin/start→be on...

3.动词短语(固定搭配 习惯表达)

比如: look after, talk with, take place, catch up with, pay attention to...




(1)状态类系动词: be动词

Tom is very good.

(2)感官类系动词: look, feel, smell, taste, sound(翻译为"......起来")

Tom looks handsome.

(3)变化类系动词(结果类系动词): go, get, grow, turn, become,fall...

The leaves turn yellow in autumn.

(4)持续类系动词: keep, stay, remain, lie...

Tom often plays sports to keep healthy.

(5)表像类系动词: seem, appear...

It seems that Tom is right.


(1)连系动词 形容词(考试常考)

Tom became angry after hearing the news.

(2)连系动词 like(像) 名词/代词

It looks like an apple.



(1)be 动词现在分词(V-ing)构成进行时态。

进行时态: Tom is reading books.

(2) be 动词过去分词(done)构成被动语态。

被动语态: Tom is loved by Linda.

(3)be 动词不定式(to do sth.)表将来(目的/安排/计划)......

表将来: Tom is to come to Guangzhou tomorrow.



(2)do/did/does 动词原形,构成一般现在时或一般过去时的/否定句/疑问句/强调句/倒装句等。

①否定句: Tom doesn't like apples.

②疑问句: Does Tom like apples? /Tom likes apples, doesn't he?

③强调句: Sports do influence our health.

④倒装句: Only then did Tom know that Linda loved him.


(1)will/shall 动词原形: 构成一般将来时,注意: will not=won't,shall not=shan't,shall通常用于第一人称。

①Tom will leave Guangzhou tomorrow.

②I shall tell you when I arrive in Guangzhou.

(2)would/should 动词原形: 构成过去将来时。

①Tom said that he would leave Guangzhou later.

②Tom said to Linda, "I thought that I should never see you again."



(2)构成完成时态: 现在完成时→ have/has 动词过去分词(done),过去完成时→had 动词过去分词(done)。

①Tom has been to Guangzhou.

②Tom had left when Linda arrived in Guangzhou.

(3)构成虚拟语气: 从句→had done,主句→could/might/would/should have done。

If Tom had seen Linda's message, he would have waited for her.



1."情有可原": 情态动词 动词原形(考试常考)

Tom can swim.

2.根据语境翻译: 表请求/建议(语气委婉程度根据翻译拿捏)

(1)肯定式: might(可以/能)/may(可以/能/祝愿), could/can(可以/能), shall(将要/应该/能), will(将要/能),should(应该), would(将要/宁愿), need(需要), dare(敢), must(必须), mustn't(禁止), have to(不得不), be able to(可以), used to(过去常常), had better(最好), would rather(宁愿)

(2)否定式: 一般在情态动词后面加not

注意①: have to/has to/had to/will have to 否定→ don't/doesn't/didn't/won't have to(根据具体时态);

注意②: ought to否定→ought not to=oughtn't to;

注意③: used to否定→used not to/didn't use to;

注意④: had better否定→had better not, would rather否定→would rather not。


①may-might, can-could, shall-should, will-would, have to-had to, dare-dared

②注意: 情态动词没有过去分词

3.根据语境翻译: 表推测

(1)should: 翻译为"应该/想必"(根据经验/常规判断)

Tom works on weekdays and he should be free on Saturday.

(2)must: 翻译为''一定'', 只用于肯定句(考试常考), 表示确定的肯定推测。

Tom broke up with Linda. He must be sad.


①肯定句: could/can(翻译为"有时会")

Tom can be angry with Mike.


Who could be the killer?

③否定句: couldn't/can't: 翻译为"一定不/不可能"(考试常考), 表示确定的否定推测。

It can't be Tom.He has left Guangzhou.

(4)might/may: 翻译为"可能", 常用于肯定句(考试常考), 表示不确定的推测。注意may not(可能不)。

①Tom may be right.(可能是)

②Tom thinks that Linda may not like him.(可能不)

4.表示能力: could/can, be able to

(1)could/can: 只用于一般现在时/一般过去时, 有被动形式→could be done/can be done。

(2)be able to:

①be动词可变化→现在式am/is/are able to, 过去式was/were able to, 将来式will/would be able to, 完成式have been/has been/had been able to


③注意: could do只表示过去能力,但was/were able to do除了可以表示过去能力外,还能表示过去成功做成某事,相当于"manage to do"。

5.表示祝愿: May 主语 动词原形

May you safe.祝你平安。

6.表示"必须": must/have to

(1)must: 只有一种形式, 强调主观上的"必须"。

(2)have to: 形式可以是have to/has to/had to/will have to, 强调客观上的"不得不"。注意英式英语里会用have got to代替have to。

7.表示"应该": should/ought to

should和ought to区别较小,相对而言,should侧重主观,ought to侧重客观。若是在法律或强调自己观点时,可用ought to。ought to语气比should要强一些。

8.表示"过去常常": would/used to




(2)used to(考试常考)

①used to否定→didn't use to/used't to,一般疑问句→Did...use to...?

②used to表示过去习惯做某事的动作或过去存在的状态,强调对比: 过去常常......→现在已经不.......


A.过去常常做某事 used to do sth.

Tom used to go swimming with Mike.Tom过去常常和Mike游泳。

B.习惯做某事 get/be used to doing sth.

Tom is used to reading books after supper. Tom习惯在晚饭后看书。

C.被用于做某事 be used to do sth. (某人用某物做某事 sb. use sth. to do sth.)

The knife is used to cut apples.这把刀被用来切苹果。

9.既是情态动词又是实义动词: need/dare



A.need(需要/必要),needn't=don't have to(不需要/没必要),一般疑问句need提前;


C.need/needn't 动词原形。

You needn't say it again.


A.need(需要),助动词否定式(don't/doesn't/didn't/won't...) need→不需要,一般疑问句借助助动词(do/did/does/will...)提前;


C.需要做某事→人 need to do sth./物 need doing sth.。

a.The plant needs watering.

b.Tom doesn't need to drink water.



A.dare(敢),dare not=daren't(不敢),一般疑问句dare提前;


C.dare/daren't 动词原形;

Tom dare not tell Linda the truth.

D.注意:"I dare say...或I daresay..."为习惯用语,意为"我认为,我想"。


A.dare(敢),助动词否定式(don't/doesn't/didn't/won't...) dare→不敢,一般疑问句借助助动词(do/did/does/will...)提前;


C.敢做某事→dare to do sth. (注意其否定形式和疑问形式的to可省略)。

a.Tom dare to tell Linda the truth.

b.Tom doesn't dare (to) tell Linda the truth.

c.Does Tom dare (to) tell Linda the truth?



①用can提问: Can I/we...?(不能用语气程度更小的may回答)

肯定回答: Yes, you can.

否定回答: No, you can't/mustn't.

②用may提问: May I/we...?

肯定回答: Yes, please.或Yes, you may.

否定回答常用: No, you can't/mustn't.


①用need提问: Need I/we...?

肯定回答: Yes, you must.

否定回答: No, you needn't.或No, you don't have to.

②用must提问: Must I/we...?

肯定回答: Yes, you must.

否定回答: No, you needn't.或No, you don't have to.

11.难点: 情态动词 have done相关用法(比较烧脑,享受钻研的乐趣~)

(1)实际未做: 本来可以做却没做/应该做却没做/期待发生却没发生/宁愿做某事却没做

①might/may have done

Although your parents did what you disliked, you might have respected them.尽管你不赞同父母的做法,但你也要尊重他们。(实际上没有做到尊重父母)

②could/can have done

Tom is late for work. He could have got up earlier.Tom上班迟到了。他本来可以早点起床。(实际上没有做到早点起床)

③should/ought to have done

Tom should have told Linda the truth.Tom本来应该告诉Linda真相的。(实际上Tom没有告诉Linda真相)

④would have done

If Tom had met Linda last year, he would have made friends with Linda.如果Tom去年就遇见了Linda,他会和她交朋友。(对过去的虚拟,假设遇见期待做朋友,实际上没有遇见)

⑤would rather have done

Linda would rather have accept Tom's gift.Linda宁愿已经接受了Tom的礼物。(实际上Linda没有接受Tom的礼物)

(2)实际做了: 本不必做却做了

needn't have done

Tom needn't have gone to work yesterday.Tom昨天本来不必去上班。(实际上Tom去上班了)


①might/may have done: 可能已经......(推测过去可能会发生的情况)

The lake was too deep and it was dangerous. You might have drowned.湖水太深了,很危险。当时你可能已经被淹死了。(当时情况危险,猜测可能会淹死了)

②couldn't/can't have done: 不可能已经......(推测过去不可能会发生的情况)

Tom can't have gone to work. Because he told me he stayed at home just now.Tom不可能已经去上班了。因为他刚才告诉我他在家。(Tom在家,猜测Tom不可能去上班了)

③must have done: 一定已经......(表示推测过去一定会发生的情况)

Tom looks so happy. He must have passed the exam.Tom看起来很开心。他一定已经通过了考试。(Tom开心,猜测Tom考试通过)



