粮票是20世纪50年代至85年代中国在特定经济时期发放的一种购粮凭证。 中国最早实行的票证种类是粮票、食用油票、布票等。粮票作为一种实际的有价证券,在中国使用达40多年,随着社会的发展,它已退出了历史舞台,成为收藏者的新宠。

那时候,必须凭粮票才能购买粮食。其实凭票供应不是中国最早采用的,苏联在十月革命后,当时国内不稳定,内战不断,商品缺乏,就采取商品有计划的分配,发放各种商品票证,苏联最早的票证是1916年的鞋票。 美国也在二战时期商品紧张时,发放了各种商品票证,其种类也不少,这其中就含有粮票性质的票证。现在还有一些国家仍然采用凭票供应方式,如朝鲜、越南等一些国家。

粮票不一定人人都见过 粮票一组(1)


粮票不一定人人都见过 粮票一组(2)


粮票不一定人人都见过 粮票一组(3)

The food ticket was a kind of food purchase voucher issued by China in a specific economic period from the 1950s to the 1980s. The earliest types of tickets implemented in China are food tickets, edible oil tickets, cloth tickets, etc. As a kind of practical negotiable securities, food stamps have been used in China for more than 40 years. With the development of society, it has withdrawn from the historical stage and become a new favorite of collectors.

At that time, we had to buy food with food tickets. In fact, ticket supply was not the first one adopted by China. After the October Revolution, the Soviet Union adopted a planned distribution of goods and issued various commodity tickets. The earliest ticket in the Soviet Union was the shoe ticket in 1916. The United States also issued various kinds of commodity tickets during the World War II when commodities were scarce, including food tickets. At present, there are still some countries that still use voucher supply, such as North Korea, Vietnam and other countries.

Commodity tickets in various regions are usually divided into three categories: "eat, wear and use". In addition to all kinds of food and oil tickets, there are also tickets for pigs, cattle, mutton, chicken, duck, fish, eggs, sugar, bean products and vegetables. In addition to various cloth tickets, there are chemical fiber tickets, cotton tickets, sweatshirt tickets, vest tickets, cloth shoes tickets, cotton tire tickets and so on. There are handkerchiefs, soap, toilet paper, washing powder, matches, rag tickets, kerosene tickets, all kinds of coal tickets, commodity purchase certificates, electrical tickets, bicycle tickets, watch tickets, as well as temporary tickets, motor tickets and so on. They are really diverse, involving all aspects of various fields. In short, most goods are supplied by voucher. What kind of goods should be purchased with the corresponding food tickets, and it is necessary to take the seats according to the number. So what kinds of food stamps are there in this big family? Some of them are: rice tickets, flour tickets, coarse grain tickets, fine grain tickets, millet tickets, potato tickets, etc.

The sizes of various food stamps vary greatly, with horizontal, vertical, toothed and square forms. Some food stamps are the same size as 10 yuan, while others are only 1 cm in size. The ones with large denomination are more than 1000 jin and 10000 jin, while those with small denomination are only less than one yuan. Units of measurement range from the old scale system to the latest thousand restraint. Each set of food stamps is usually divided by age, and is arranged according to the face unit or weight, ranging from 1 to more than 70. The contents and names of the food stamps are different, and more colorful. The designs of food stamps are different, some have exquisite patterns, some have scenic spots and strong ethnic customs on food stamps, such as Terra Cotta Warriors in Shaanxi, Elephant Trunk Mountain in Guangxi, museum sculptures in Inner Mongolia, Potala Palace in Tibet, the Bund in Shanghai, Shaoshan in Hunan, Zunyi and Huangguoshu Waterfalls in Guizhou, and Stone Forest in Yunnan. Some include Mongolian, Tibetan, Uygur, Korean, etc. Some have no patterns and the paper is poor. These are often reflected in the early grain tickets. Only some words are printed on the paper. Some are printed with lead and oil, and some are produced and printed under the supervision of the manufacturer who specially prints the grain tickets. Most of the grain tickets are also stamped with the official seal of the relevant department, and some are also printed with the number. The grain tickets themselves are worthless tickets, but the grain tickets can be purchased with the national price. In fact, the grain tickets have become a valuable security. The face value of the food ticket is equal to the difference between the national food price and the market price. After 1993, China has cancelled the use of food stamps, which soon entered the ranks of collectibles, and the number of "food" lovers nationwide is also expanding. In the past two years, we have purchased the treasures in the competitive collection of Chinese food stamps at high prices in Hong Kong, Macao Special Administrative Region and some countries in Europe and the United States. With the passage of time, the market of food stamps and collectibles will also rise with the increase of grain collection fever. As long as we grasp the basic principles of collecting food stamps, the prospect of investing in collecting food stamps is very promising. As the second "currency" of China, the grain ticket has lasted for 40 years in China. It reflects the social and economic conditions of China in various historical periods and has relatively important research and collection value.
