(一). 护士与患者初次见面语,下面我们就来说一说关于每日英语门诊护理常用英语?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



(一). 护士与患者初次见面语

1. What is the matter, Sir/ Madam? 先生/女士,你怎么啦?

2. I feel really terrible. 我感觉很难受。

3. Right .Now you just go and sit down here. 请赶快坐下。

4. I'll make an appointment for you. Just 5 minutes. 我通知医生,只需要5分钟。

5. Are you sure? 真的吗?

6. Yes, of course. 当然啦。

7.You are so kind, thanks . 谢谢你!

8. Well. Have you got the medical record? 你带病历了吗?

9. Yes, I have. 带啦。


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