107、decide, determine, make up one's mind一、decide 动词意思是“决定、断定”跟名词、代词、不定式、从句、介词短语指决心做某一件事,也指对疑难问题经过考虑后作出的判断例如:,下面我们就来说一说关于中学英语同义词讲解5?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



107、decide, determine, make up one's mind

一、decide 动词。意思是“决定、断定”。跟名词、代词、不定式、从句、介词短语。指决心做某一件事,也指对疑难问题经过考虑后作出的判断。例如:

He wished that his father would decide the matter for him. 他希望他父亲为他决定那件事。

We can't decide anything now. 我们不能决定任何事情。

He decided not to do it. 他决定不做这事。

My sister decided he must go home. 我姐姐决定他必须回家。

It is difficult to decide between the two. 两难决定。

二、determine 及物动词。意思是“决定、决心、决意”。指决心做某一件事,有决定后加以坚持做下去的含义,侧重指决意的状态。跟名词、不定式、从句、on或upon的介词短语。例如:

Can we now determine the date for our party ?我们现在能定下舞会的日期吗?

He determined to make his arrangements at once.他决定立刻就作出安排。

He determined that he would go at once. 他决意立刻就去。

We have determined on going tomorrow. 我们决定明天去。

三、make up one's mind“决意、决心要”。主要是和“迟疑、动摇、不知所措”相对应,侧重指“打定主意”的动作。跟不定式、从句和to引起的短语。例如:

They made up their minds to go to the forest.他们决心向森林走去。

He made up his mind that Tom must have a man-doctor。他决意要汤姆请一名男医生。

I don't think you ought to make up your mind to such a step in a hurry. 我认为你不应该在匆忙中决断如此一步。

