《英译中国现 代散文选(四)》一书,相信不少英语学(习)者颇为熟悉不过,鉴于原文何译文均出自名家之手,想必绝大多数读者恐只有拜读的份儿,未必会特别留意个别细节此言是否有点危言耸听?那就让我们就一起复读并品味《鸵 鸟·孔雀·老鹰》一文,看如下部分原文和译文吧,下面我们就来说一说关于孔雀的前面和后面?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



《英译中国现 代散文选(四)》一书,相信不少英语学(习)者颇为熟悉!不过,鉴于原文何译文均出自名家之手,想必绝大多数读者恐只有拜读的份儿,未必会特别留意个别细节。此言是否有点危言耸听?那就让我们就一起复读并品味《鸵 鸟·孔雀·老鹰》一文,看如下部分原文和译文吧



The Peacock

The peacock is intoxicated with its own beauty. It struts around with a sidelong glance at the pedestrians, hoping that they will stop to view and admire itself and believing all people will be infatuated with its gorgeousness. When a little kid in red happens to come near, the peacock, taking her for a potential strong rival, immediately erects and spreads out its tail feathers and sways now to the left and now to the right as best it can. That succeeds in attracting a large group of spectators.

They marvel at its beauty and cheer. The big bird looks very happy with all the words of praise, which it seems to understand fully. Nevertheless, there is one sentence it can never understand, that is, “You’re a miserable woman.”

关于原文的细心分析以及译文的精当注释(尤其欣赏其将原文之“她” 灵活处理为it),我们非常赞同且佩服有加,但后者的措辞似乎有两点让人有点纳闷,即:


其二、原文属于现代寓言,文末之“你是一个可怜的女人”无疑为其“寓意”,自然是该文的重中之重,将其英译为You’re a miserable woman,按理说丝丝入扣,然而,这一处理有无误伤“他/ 她”人之嫌呢?

