
瓦轴集团风电轴承生产现场 鞠家田 摄

瓦轴集团 RCEP 销售大区销售部部长董玉卓,每天大部分时间都守在电脑旁。董玉卓既不追剧,也不打游戏,而是给客户发邮件或是和客户开电话及视频会议。靠“云约会”“云推广”,她成功开发了一个日本知名客户的新项目,打开了新市场。




始建于 1938 年的瓦轴集团,创造了新中国第一套工业轴承、第一套铁路轴承、第一套汽车轴承等多项共和国“第一”。

党的十八大以来,瓦轴集团积极推进供给侧结构性改革,以中高端和海外市场作为转型升级的切入点,国内国际双轮驱动,打造国际竞争力。2021 年营业收入比 2020 年增长了20.6%,利润同比增长 63.4%,员工人均收入同比增长 18%。

瓦轴进出口公司总经理陈英生告诉记者,2021年,公司紧盯“一带一路”沿线国家市场,积极布局深化合作,“一带一路”沿线国家出口额大幅增长,占总出口额的 64%。欧洲一家世界知名钢铁设备制造企业的合作项目推进缓慢,瓦轴营销人员“原地倒时差”,配合客户时间,在 20 时到 23 时联系客户商讨业务,客户从对瓦轴不信任到签订战略合作协议,让瓦轴的营销市场不断扩大。印巴地区一个合作多年的终端客户受疫情影响,年产量大幅缩水至原来份额的 2/3。瓦轴营销人员通过邮件拜访、电话会议等线上方式,加强与客户的沟通交流,最终拿到该客户的订单,实现了逆势增长。

把握“一带一路”发展机遇,瓦轴集团不断优化海外市场布局,针对重点市场、重点客户有的放矢“出海”。风电轴承板块,大兆瓦轴承格外走俏 ;汽车轴承板块,从北美地区到欧洲地区,再到亚太地区,从为汽车分动箱、车桥再到齿轮箱等核心部件配套,市场销售额稳步增长;工业装备轴承板块,与世界知名企业的合作从总部延展到世界各地分公司。2021 年,瓦轴集团海外市场收入比2020 年增长 15%。


全球单机容量最大的半直驱海上风电机组配套的大型圆柱滚子轴承 鞠家田 摄




近年来, 瓦轴集团充分利用为欧美众多知名品牌汽车配套轴承的品牌美誉度和全球影响力,实现了国内外汽车轴承市场订单大幅度增长,生产处于超负荷运行状态。国内某知名汽车行业客户 2021 年 4 月份需要某规格圆锥滚子轴承 14 万套,高端汽车轴承公司快速出产交付客户。

2021 年瓦轴辽阳分公司迎来新的发展机遇,国内高端客户新项目和订单增量较大,同时,企业实施高端轴承智能化改造项目,在已有的自动化生产线基础上进行数字化改造,实现智能化制造,更好地参与国内外市场竞争,推动企业高质量发展。国家提出“碳达峰、碳中和”目标,风电等清洁能源产业迎来新一轮发展机遇。作为全球规模最大的风力发电设备轴承制造企业,瓦轴集团先后自主研发了一批高技术、高精度、高可靠性的风电轴承。乘着“碳达峰、碳中和”强劲东风,瓦轴集团抓住风电主机客户结构调整机遇,成功实现从生产 3.0MW 以下向 3.0MW 以上大型风电及海上风电轴承转型,在为国内多家客户批量配套5MW及5.5MW风电系列轴承的同时,为国外客户配套的大兆瓦风电轴承订单也快速增长。

2021 年以来,瓦轴集团为国内知名风机制造企业自主研制了 4.XMW平台风机单列圆锥结构主轴轴承,填补国内空白,现已批量生产;自主研制的 5.XMW 平台风机单列圆锥结构主轴轴承正在生产中;自主研制的大型深沟球轴承和大型圆柱滚子轴承已配套 11MW 海上风力发电机组;与知名风机制造企业共同研发的国内首台 5MW 海上风电机组成功下线,10种规格齿轮箱全系轴承已完成装机。



高速列车转向架用轴承攻关、多列串联推力滚子轴承研制、滚动轴承超精密制造与检测技术、绝缘轴承技术、仿真技术由静态到动态质的突破……2021 年,瓦轴集团聚焦重点,全面提升轴承档次,实现轴承替代进口 140 余种,拉动市场增量超过 5 亿元。

作为关键基础零部件,轴承直接决定重大装备和主机产品的性能、质量及可靠性。国内高端轴承自主知识产权和核心技术相对缺少,很多高端轴承依赖进口,对此,瓦轴集团国家大型轴承工程技术研究中心开展了轴承动力学、热力学、受力特性、润滑特性和刚度等共性技术研究,开发了轴承载荷分布、接触应力和油膜厚度等 10 项性能分析程序。公司还针对轴承动态仿真技术及相关共性技术进行深入研究,探索轴承多体动力学、动态力学特性、疲劳寿命、轴承热特性等仿真技术,并全方位迈进动态领域。

瓦轴集团紧跟前沿技术,逐步实现轴承设计、仿真、工艺、检测试验一体化研发模式,全面提升了新产品技术含量。公司研发的多列串联推力滚子轴承,具有小径向设计、高轴向力、长寿命、低摩擦及高可靠性等特点,突破高端产品的设计与制造关键技术,打破了国外技术垄断,成功地在高端轴承市场占据了一席之地;开展滑动轴承基础研究,与清华大学联合建立滑动机理研究团队,今年将生产轴承样品并设计试验机;与 21 所高校、科研院所合作,建立 3 个产学研联盟,全年攻关关键技术 25 项。





瓦轴集团传动轴承生产现场 鞠家田 摄

Wafangdian Bearing Group Corp., Ltd. (Wafangdian Bearing for short) is known as “the cradle of Chinese bearing industry.” The import and export company of the group has adopted a strategy of “regional interconnection” in marketing management. Its employees are encouraged to make use of all channels and information to locate global clients and to activate dormant resources. Such a strategy has paved the way for a bigger international market at a fast speed and in an effective manner.

Built in 1938, Wafangdian Bearing is reputed for many Firsts in new China, such as the first industrial bearings, the first railway bearings, and the first automobile bearings. Since the 18th CCCP congress, the company has taken an active part in its structural reform in the supply side and aimed at middle-top and international markets as a scaffold for its upgradation and competiveness. Compared to the previous year, it had an increase of 20.6% in operation revenue, 63.4% in profit, and 18% in its employees' income in 2021. Meanwhile, its exportations to the Belt & Road countries had a great increase and amounted to 64% of its total exportations.

In search of new opportunities for development, the company has never ceased in optimizing its international market in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific regions. The sales of its bearings for truck auxiliary boxes, axles, and gear cases have a steady increase. In cooperation with famed foreign enterprises, its bearings for industrial equipment have extended from headquarters to branch companies across the globe. In 2021 alone, its income from the international market had anincrease of 15% as compared with that in the previous year.

As the biggest manufacturer of bearings for wind-power generating equipment in the world, Wafangdian Bearing has a large number of independently developed products of high technology, high precision, and high reliability. Considering the lack of independent intellectual property rights and the dependence on imported bearings of top quality, the company has done a lot in technological researches in dynamics, thermodynamics, stress properties, lubricating properties and rigidity. So far it has developed 10 analytical programs.

The company has explored simulation techniques about multiple body dynamics, dynamic mechanics, fatigue endurance, and thermal properties. It has made all-round progress in the area of dynamics.

“In recent years, Wafangdian Bearing has sped up its pace in development and innovation, but it still has a long way to go before it is updated in a smart mode that can be applied in the entire production process, all-round management, and the complete life cycle of a product,” said Liu Jun, Party secretary and board director of the company. “As far as an old state-run enterprise is concerned, it takes a step by step progress and integrated strategies to make it digitalized. The size of the enterprise and the big increase of the quality of its employees in particular are an essential precondition for such an objective,” he added.

(Trans. by G.Q.)

