Word of the Day: October 31, 2022lycanthropy,下面我们就来说一说关于lyriq 荒原狼?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!

lyriq 荒原狼(lycanthropy化为狼的妖术变成狼人)

lyriq 荒原狼

Word of the Day: October 31, 2022



noun /lye-KAN-thruh-pee/ [laɪ'kænθrəpɪ]

What It Means

Lycanthropy refers to the power or ability to take the shape and characteristics of a wolf through witchcraft or magic. It can also mean “a delusion that one has become a wolf.”

Lycanthropy 指通过巫术或魔法使人变成狼的外形和特征的能力。它也可以指“一个幻想变成了狼的人”。


“In Marvel comics lore, Jack Russell on his 18th birthday learned of his family’s lycanthropy curse, which ... every full moon transforms Jack into a powerful man-wolf hybrid possessing enhanced strength, speed, stamina, agility and reflexes.” — Matt Webb Mitovich, TVLine, 12 Sept. 2022

“在漫威漫画的传说中,杰克罗素在他 18 岁生日时得知了家里人的狼人诅咒……每个满月杰克都会变成一个强大的,拥有增强的力量、速度、耐力、敏捷性和反应能力的人狼。”

The 1941 film The Wolf Man starred Lon Chaney, Jr., as a man cursed with lycanthropy.


Did You Know?

Whether about Zeus punishing King Lycaon for trickery or a perfectly coiffed werewolf drinking a piña colada in a London bar, tales of lycanthropy—the transformation of a person into a wolf or wolf-like creature—have captivated imaginations for millennia. The word lycanthropy comes from the Greek words lykos, meaning “wolf,” and anthrōpos, meaning “human being.” Halloween, the time of year when you’re most likely to encounter a lycanthropic individual (or several), also happens to be the perfect occasion to drop such etymological knowledge on their tufted little ears. You know, as a treat.

无论是关于宙斯惩罚诡计多端的国王莱卡翁,还是一个发型完美的狼人在伦敦的酒吧里喝着 a piña colad ,关于 lycanthropy 的故事——把人变成狼或类似狼的生物——吸引着人们千年的想象。lycanthropy 这个词来自希腊单词 lykos,意思是“wolf「狼」”,和 anthrpppos,意思是“human being ”。万圣节是一年中你最可能遇到狼人(或几个)的时候,恰好是对着他们毛茸茸的小耳朵传授这些词源学知识的绝佳时机。你知道,这是一种招待。

Test Your Vocabulary

If someone says that they are dressing up as a lamia, what will their costume be?

