





You hearthe refrain1[all the time]: the U.S. economylooksgood[statistically 2], but itdoesn’t feelgood. Whydoesn’tever-greater wealthpromote3ever-greaterhappiness? Itisa question(thatdates[at least]tothe appearance4 [in 1958] (of The Affluent Society) [by John Kenneth Galbraith], (whodied[recently] [at 97].))你总能重复听到这样的报道:从统计数字上看,美国的经济发展得很好,但感觉上并不好。为什么日益增长的财富却不能让人们觉得日益幸福呢?这个问题至少可以追溯到1958年出版的《财富社会》一书,其作者是最近去世的John Kenneth Galbraith,享年97岁。

注:1. refrain n. 副歌,叠句,重复句。例:

The performance ended with all the people singing the refrain.演出以所有人齐唱副歌结束。

Don Nicholas disproves the old refrain: Old soldiers do not, in fact, fade away.尼古拉斯反驳这样的论调:老兵并未消逝。

[选自:WSJ: Sgt. Don Nicholas, the Old Soldier Who Didn't Fade Away]

v. ~from)抑制,避免,克制。例:

The doctor suggested my father refrain from smoking.医生建议我父亲戒烟。

2. statistically adv. 统计上地,统计学地;【派】statistical adj.统计的,统计学的;短语:statistical data 统计数据。例:

There has been no statistically significant change in recent days in Americans' opposition to impeachment.近日美国反对弹劾(克林顿总统)在统计数字上看并没有明显的改变。

[选自:CNN: Poll: Most Americans think Clinton committed perjury]

3. promote v. ①促进;文中此义,促进幸福感。另有短语:promote the sale of sth.促销;

Nearly 60% thought much overseas aid was wasted and did not promote Britain's interests.近60%的人认为海外援助大多被浪费了,而且对英国的福祉并无促进。

[选自:BBC: David Cameron defends UK's foreign aid programme]


Hard as he worked, he never got promoted.尽管他工作很努力,却从未得到过提升。


The show will help promote the writer’s new work.这次展览会有助于宣传这位作家的新书。

4. appearance n. 出现,出场,露面;外表,外貌,外观。例:

He said he did not want to indicate a plea during his court appearance.他表示出庭后并不想表达请求。

[选自:BBC: Grimsby man in court over Facebook 'riot' messages]

【派】disappearance n.不见,消失

The Affluent Society isa modern classic[because ithelped define1a new moment[in the human condition].] [For most of history], “hunger, sickness, and cold”threatened[nearly]everyone, Galbraithwrote. “Poverty 2was found[everywhere] [in that world]. [Obviously 3] itis not of ours.” [After World War II], the dread (of another Great Depression 4)gave way to5an economic boom6. [In the 1930s] unemployment7hadaveraged8 18.2 percent; [in the 1950s] itwas 4.5 percent.《富态社会》是一部现代经典著作,因为它定义了一种崭新的人类社会生存状态。Galbraith写道,在人类历史的大部分时期,“饥饿、疾病和寒冷”几乎威胁着每一个人。“贫困在那个世界里随处可见。很明显我们的世界并不是这样的。”第二次世界大战后,对另一场经济大萧条的恐惧被经济繁荣所取代。20世纪30年代的平均失业率高达18.2%,而20世纪50年代仅为4.5%。

注:1. define v. 给……下定义;限定,规定。例:

It all depends on how you define it.这取决于您如何对它进行定义。


2. poverty n. 贫困,贫乏。例:

The poverty remains, but there is progress - like electricity around the clock in most neighbourhoods.贫困仍将继续,但不乏进步——如同大多数邻居24小时都有电那样。

[around the clock昼夜不停,连续一整天][选自:BBC: Life better since Taliban driven from Kabul, says Nato]

3. obviously adv. 显然地

She was obviously digging at him.她显然是在挖苦他。

4. depression n. 沮丧,经济萧条;【派】depress v. ① 压抑,降低,削弱。例:

The new economic policy will depress the dollar.新的经济政策会削弱美元的竞争力。


Falling in the exam depressed Tom a lot.考试失败使汤姆非常沮丧。


The day became known as "Black Tuesday" and lead to the Great Depression of the 1930s.这一天以 “黑色星期二”为人所知,随之而来的便是上世纪30年代的大萧条。

[选自:CNN: Wednesday]

5. give way to 让路给。

The primacy of offence, they argue, should now give way to the primacy of defence.他们认为,进攻应给防守让路。

[选自:ECONOMIST: George Bush’s revolution]

6. boom v. ①迅速发展,兴旺。例:

His business is booming in this small town.他在这个小镇上的生意日益兴旺。


The waterfall boomed down into the canyon.瀑布泄落直下峡谷,发出隆隆的巨响。

n. 繁荣,迅速增长,文中此义。例:

The economc boom has made many people in this city rich.经济的繁荣使这个城市的很多人富了起来。

短语:baby boom 生育高峰。

7. unemployment n. 失业,失业人数。而失业率则是unemployment rate。例:

Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is fierce.因为失业严重,求职的竞争十分激烈。

8. average n. 平均(数);短语:on (the/an) average平均,一般来说。例:

Women, on average, can live longer than men.一般来说,女人比男人寿命长。

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is up more than 38 percent since Obama took office.道琼斯工业平均指数自奥巴马上任后升幅超过38%。

[选自:MSN: Obama wants a detente with business leaders]

adj. 平均的,通常的,一般的。例:

Her boyfriend is a young guy of average height.她男朋友是个中等个头的小伙儿。


According to the contract, I average eight hours’ work a day.按照合同,我平均每天工作8个小时。

[To Galbraith], materialism 1 had gonewould breed2discontent3. [Through advertising], companiesconditionedconsumers[to buy things] (theydidn’t[really]wantorneed.) [Because so much spendingwasartificial4,] itwould beunfulfilling5. [Meanwhile 6], government spending (thatwould makeeveryone was being cut down[because people [instinctively7] – ^and wrongly^ –labeled8government[only]

注:1. materialism n. 唯物主义,唯物论,实利主义;【反】idealism唯心论,唯心主义,观念论,理想主义。

Idealism is opposite to materialism.唯心论和唯物论是对立的。

2. breed vi. 繁殖,生殖。例:

Some animals only breed at certain times of a year.有些动物只在一年中特定的时间里繁殖。

vt. ①造成,引起。文中此义。例:

War breeds misery and ruin to the people.战争给人民带来了痛苦和破坏。

This can breed good tax policy by eliminating special-interest tax breaks.这将通过消除特殊利得税减免带来良好的税务政策。

[tax break税收减免][选自:WSJ: David Wessel: In Fiscal Skirmish, Code Words Provide Cover for Politicians]


Spoiling child may breed his selfish behavior.溺爱会让孩子养成自私的性格。


The local farmers mainly breed horses.当地的农民主要养马。

n. 品种 ,种类。例:

Anne only likes certain breeds of dogs.安妮只喜欢某些品种的狗。

3. discontent n. 不满。例:

Discontent stirred the men to munity.不满情绪酿成了兵变。

There is growing discontent among voters that his government is not delivering on its promises.他的政府没有兑现他的承诺,这使得不满情绪在选民中发酵。

[选自:BBC: Bolivia's Evo Morales faces test as voters elect judges]


The black freedom struggle should be the model for all discontented Americans.所有对现状不满的美国黑人都应以黑人自由运动为榜样。

4. artificial adj. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的。例:

This orange drink contains no artificial flavourings.这种橙汁饮品不含人工调味料。

This is an artificial device that essentially stimulates the retina electrically.这种人造设备使得用电来刺激视网膜成为可能。


5. unfulfilling adj. 不称心的,不能使人满足的。例:

I feel then it must have been unfulfilling for him.我认为他肯定没有实现。

6. meanwhile adv. 同时,于此时,在此期间;【同】in the meantime

7. instinctively adv.本能地,凭直觉地;【派】instinct

n. 本能,直觉,天分。短语:by instinct 凭本能。例:

Motherhood is a very natural instinct for me.母性对我而言是一种非常自然而然的本能。

When gunfire rang out, George, a former Marine, instinctively tried to shield his wife.当枪响时,退伍海军乔治本能地去保护妻子。

[选自:MSN: Obama: 'Heroism is here']

8. label n. 标记,标签,称号,唱片公司;v. 给……贴标签,把……归类;文中作动词。【同】name; title

You have to anticipate it, label it, and reject it every time it comes up.你得掌控它,给它贴上标签,然后每当它出现则拒绝之。

[选自:NEWYORKER: Hollywood Shadows]

[社会学中有一个著名的理论叫“Labelling theory标签论”,指对一个群体或个人用某一类型的词语进行先入为主的归类。生活中最常见的就是星座,比如某人有些强迫症,很容易就被一些人说成“处女座”之类的。]

It’s [often]saidthat [only] the richare getting[ahead]; everyone elseis standing[still] orfalling[behind]. [Well], therearemany undeserving 1 rich – {overpaid 2chief executives 3}, ^for instance4^. But [over any meaningful 5 period 6], most people’s incomesare increasing. [From 1995 to 2004], (inflation7-adjusted average) family incomerose14.3 percent, [to $43,200]. Peoplefeel squeezed8” [because their rising incomes [often]don’t satisfytheir rising wants]– [for bigger homes, more health care, more education, faster Internet connections].人们经常说只有富人的生活水平在提高,而其他人不是原地踏步就是落后于其他人。是的,确实有很多富人不配那么有钱——比如说一些薪酬过于高的主管人员。不过,经过任何一段长的时间后,绝大部分人的收入都在提高。从1995年到2004年,扣除通胀因素,家庭平均收入提高了14.3%,达到43200美元。人们觉得“捉襟见肘”,是因为他们增长的收入经常不能满足他们不断上涨的需求——更大的房子、更多的医疗保障、更好的教育和更快的网络。

注:1. undeserving adj. 不值得的,不配受到的。例:

Much of the responsibility for the disaster was shifted onto him, and this was quite undeserved.人们把这场灾难的大部分责任推到他身上,这实在是冤枉。

Is he undeserving of cash heavy, multi-year contract?他难道配不上高薪和长期合同吗?

[选自:FORBES: NBA Free Agents 2011: 10 Most Overpriced Guys on the Market]

【派】deserve v. 应受,值得;deserve 后常跟不定式,也可跟表示被动意义的名词。

2. overpaid adj. 多付款的。例:

I think he’s overpaid for the little he does.我认为他干的很少而所得过多。

However, operators feel they overpaid in 2000, when the technology bubble was at its most inflated.然而,接线员认为他们2000年时多付了钱,那时的科技泡沫正值最大。

[选自:ECONOMIST: The mobile-phone spectrum auction]

3. executive adj.行政的,决策的,经营的。例:

Our manager is a man of great excutive ability.我们的经理是个执行力很强的人。

n. 总经理,董事,行政负责人;

【派】CEO:Chief Excutive Officer 首席执行官

4. instance n. 例子,事例,例证;短语:for instance 例如,举例说。例:

In Argentina, for instance,after the reforms of the early 1990s,multinationals went from 43% to almost 70% of the industrial production of the 200 largest firms.比如说阿根廷,20世纪90年代初的改革过后,跨国公司在200家最大的公司中的工业总产值比重从43%上升到近70%。

5. meaningful adj. 意味深长的;短语:a meaningful explanation 意味深长的解说;a meaningful pause 有意的中止

I think it is a meaningful issue for both governments to discuss.我认为对于中美两国政府而言,这个有意义的议题值得讨论。

[选自:CNN: Africa: A hot frontier for U.S. and China]

6. period n. 一段时间,周期,课时,句号;period表示一段时间时,一般不只一点时间。如果从全部过程的角度来看,每一个period也可算是一“点”,常与介词at连用。例:

at any period of the year 在这一年的任何一个时段

7. inflation n. 通货膨胀;短语:inflation rate 通货膨胀率;inflation figures 通货膨胀指数;【派】inflationary膨胀的,通货膨胀的

Inflation rates would probably increase and they would inevitably drive up the price of gold.通货膨胀率有可能上涨,他们不可避免地抬高金价。

[选自:FORBES: Wealth Blossoms Not By Beating The Market But Joining It]

8. squeeze v. 压榨,挤;短语:squeeze toothpaste 挤牙膏;

n. 榨取,勒索。例:

The farmers were driven to rebel by the squeeze of the landords.农民们在地主的压榨下被迫起来反抗了。

The paper says traffic chaos in the capital means taxis will be squeezed out.报纸认为首都交通混乱意味着的士会被挤出市场。

[选自:BBC: Mundo | Aprenda inglés | Visita de Bush: revista de prensa]

The other great frustration 1 is that ithas not eliminated2insecurity3. Peopleregard4job stability5increased,] that parthas eroded8. More workersfearthey’ve becomethe disposable9American,” [as Louis Uchitelleputsit[in his book] [by the same name].]另外让他们非常失望的是富裕并没有消除不安全感。人们把工作稳定性看作是他们生活水平的一部分。随着公司裁员的增加,这一部分已经被削弱了。越来越多的工人害怕他们会成为“可随意丢弃的美国人” ,正如Louis Uchitelle在其同名著作中所说的那样。

注:1. frustration n. 挫败,挫折;【派】frustrate v. 使灰心,挫败,阻挠。例:

The heavy rain frustrated pur attempts to go fishing.大雨使我们的钓鱼计划落空了。

2. eliminate v. 消除,排除。例:

The government decided to eliminate absolute proverty all over the country.政府决定在全国消除贫困。

3. insecurity n. 不安全,不牢靠。例:

He, moreover, was convinced that my special talents would flourish best under conditions of personal insecurity.他还认为,只有在我个人感到不安全的情况下,才能充分发挥我的才干。

He understands that that creates economic insecurity, combined with all these other factors.他认识到那个因素与其它所有因素一起导致了经济不安全感。

[文中两个that,第一个是宾语从句的标志,第二个that在该从句中作主语,代指那个因素。][选自: WHITEHOUSE: White House Press Briefing]

4. regard v. 尊敬,视为,和……有关;regard作动词解释为“视作,认为”时,后一般接as,不接不定式。文中即为认为意。例:

He was regarded as the most successful president of modern times.他被看成是近代最成功的总统。

5. stability n. 稳定,安定;短语:

a long period of stability 长治久安;economic stability经济的稳定


This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of smaller economic firms, of national businessmen and over the ultimate stability of the world economy.这种现象引起人们对小型经纪公司和民族商人的作用以及对世界经济的最终稳定的极大关注。

The government has identified inflation as one of the main threats to the country's economic stability.政府将通胀确定为国家经济稳定的一个主要威胁。[这里identify也可以用上面的regard来表达。]

[选自:BBC: Morning business round-up: Italy bond yields hit 7%]

6. corporate adj. 法人的,公司的,社团的,共同的,全体的。例:

This university is a corporate body formed from several colleges.这所大学是由几个不同学院组成的。

7. layoff n. 临时解雇,操作停止。例:

Stock prices broke when the firm suddenly announced layoffs.当公司突然宣布裁员时,股票价格便大跌。

An additional 800 workers were on layoff from the factory and on a recall list.另外还有八百名员工被工厂临时解雇并被列入回厂名单。

[选自:NPR: Whirlpool To Cut 5,000 Jobs To Reduce Costs]

8. erode v. 腐蚀,侵蚀。例:

Opponents say the ruling will erode the trust between a child and a guardian.反对者认为统治会消融孩子和监护人之间的信任。

[选自:MSN: SUNRISE: Saturday town hall to focus on oil and gas exploration in El Paso Coun]

9. disposable adj. 可任意处理的,一次性的;【派】dispose v. 处理,处置;常用短语:dispose sb. to/towards sth. 使倾向于,使有意于……;dispose of处理,处置。例:

Everyone has the right to dispose of his property.任何人都有权利去处置属于自己的东西。

在经济学上有一个属于叫可支配收入,意为可以用来自由支配的收入,相当于实际收入,disposable income。例:

Higher disposable incomes have seen spending power of consumers go up in recent times.最近,增多的可支配收入给消费者带来了更多的消费能力。

[选自:BBC: Sun Art shares surge 41% on Hong Kong debut]

[Because so much previous 1 suffering and social conflict stemmed2[from poverty],] the arrival (of widespread 3 affluence)suggestedutopian possibilities. [Up to a point], affluencesucceeds. Thereis (much less) physical 4 misery5[than before]. Peoplearebetter off. [Unfortunately], affluence [also]createsnew complaints and contradictions6.因为先前有太多的苦难和社会冲突都根源于贫穷,所以现在进入普遍富裕的时代产生了乌托邦式的可能性。从某种程度上说,富裕取得了成功。较之以往,人们在身体上遭受的痛苦少了很多。人们的生活更好了,遗憾地是,富裕的生活还会产生新的抱怨和矛盾。

注:1. previous adj. 早先的,在前的。例:

Previous to our being there,there was an earthquake in the area.在我们去那儿之前,该地区曾发生过一场地震。

Berlin had over nine million visitors in 2010, a 10% increase on the previous year.柏林在2010年接待了超过九百万的游客,较之上一年相比增长了10%。

[选自:BBC: Berlin versus tourists]

2. stem n. ①茎,干;②词干。例:

Swim is the stem of swimming and swimmer.


vi. 出自,来源于,发生于;常用短语:stem from 起源于,发生。文中作动词。例:

It’s no doubt that my father’s lung cancer stemmed from smoking.毫无疑问,我父亲的肺癌是由吸烟引起的。

These warnings stem from anti-government demonstrations, as well as reports of kidnappings and other terrorist activity.这些警告来自于反政府示威者,以及有关绑架和其他恐怖活动的报道。

[选自:BBC: Travelwise: The revolution will not be tour-guided]

3. widespread adj. 分布广的,普遍的。例:

The high cost prohibits the widespread use of the drug.该药因价格昂贵而影响其被广泛应用。

4. physical adj. 物质的,身体的,体力的,物理的;physical所对应的反义词常为mental或是spiritual,表示“精神上的”。例:

Physical activity promotes good health.身体运动促进健康。

5. misery n. 痛苦,悲惨的境遇,苦难。例:

The flood have caused untold misery to hundreds of thousands of farmers this year.今年的洪水给成千上万的农民带来了无尽的痛苦。

6. contradiction n. 矛盾,反驳,不一致。例:

Helen permits no contradiction as a director.作为主管,海伦不允许他人有任何异议。

The contradiction in responses stems from disagreements over how to deal with the West, analysts said.有分析指出,有关如何应对西方的反对意见来自于反对方的回应。

[选自:WSJ: Iran Displays Divisions After Charge of U.S. Plot]

Advanced societies needeconomic growth [to satisfy the multiplying 1 wants] (of their citizens). But the quest 2 (for growth)lets loose3new anxieties4 and economic conflicts(thatdisturb the social order.) Affluenceliberates5the individual6, [promising that everyonecanchoosea unique7 way[to self-fulfillment].] But the promise issoextravagant8 that itpredestines9many disappointmentsand [sometimes] inspireschoices(thathaveanti-social consequences10,) [including family breakdown and obesity]. Statistical indicators 11 (of happiness)have not risen[with incomes].先进的社会需要经济增长以满足其公民日益增长的需求。但是对增长的追求会释放出新的扰乱社会秩序的焦虑和经济冲突。富裕解放了个人,给大家都允诺了寻求自我实现的独特道路。但是这个承诺过高了,结果注定会产生许多失望的情绪,有时还会带来有违反社会后果的选择,包括家庭破裂和肥胖症。幸福指数并没有随着收入的增长而提高。

注:1. multiply v. ①(~by)乘,使相乘。例:

You have to multiply the length by the width to get the area of the rectangle.你只需把长和宽相乘,就可得到长方形的面积。


This experiment revealed the secret of how bacteria multiply in cream and butter.这一实验揭示了细菌在奶油和黄油中繁殖的秘密。

vt. 使增倍,增加。例:

Buying lots of raffle tickets can multiply your chances of success.多买些可以增加你中奖的几率。

adj. 乘法的,成倍数增长的,文中此义。

Another sign of growing interest is the multiplying number of dealers in Japan specializing in vintage models.另一个收益增长的标志是在日本专营葡萄酒业的销售商成倍数增长。

[选自:CNN: The Asian Classics]

2. quest n. 追寻,文中作名词;

His best friends aren't doing too well, either, in their quest for physical satisfaction.他最好的朋友在他们追寻物质(对菜品的追求)满意的道路上也没有做好。

[选自:CNN: Review: 'American Pie' dishes up outrageous comedy]

v. 寻找,寻求,探索;【同】explore,hunt ,pursue,search,seek

He had been questing for religious belief from an early age.他从早年开始就一直在寻求宗教信仰。

3. loose adj. 松的,不确切的,不牢固的,放纵的;

n. 解放,放任,放纵;

v. 弄松,释放;


4. anxiety n. 焦虑,担心,渴望。例:

His eyes bent upon her with deep anxiety.他满含渴望的双眼专注地望着她。

【派】anxiously adv.忧虑地,不安地

5. liberate v. 解放,使获得自由,释放出。例:

The country was liberated in 1966.这个国家是1966年解放的。

There are those who still say that there was no reason to liberate Iraq.仍旧有些人坚持认为并没有理由去解放伊拉克。

[选自:CNN: Pataki: 'Bush says what he means, he means what he says']

6. individual adj. 个人的,单独的,独特的;

短语:individual interest 个人利益;

n. 个人,个体;

短语:individual initiative 个人创业;highly creative individual 具有很高创造力的人;


n. 个性,特性;individually adv. 个别地

7. unique adj. 独特的,独一无二的,稀罕的;unique没有比较级,最高级的用法,只能用一些quite,almost,nearly,really之类的词修饰。

Our trials and triumphs became at once unique and universal, black and more than black.我们的磨砺和成功在这一瞬间变得特别和普世,虽然是黑人,但绝不止于黑人。

[选自:NPR: Transcript: Barack Obama's Speech on Race]

8. extravagant adj. ①过分的;短语:extravagent price 过高的价格;②奢侈的。例:

He was so extravagent that he was always in debt.他非常奢侈,总是负债累累。


Mr.Duncan was extravagent in conduct at party yesterday.在昨晚的聚会上,邓肯先生的行为极为放肆。

9. predestine v. 预定,注定。例:

He was obviously predestined to succeed.他显然注定了能成功。

10. consequence n. ①结果,后果,影响;常用短语:in consequence 因此,结果; in consequence of 由于……的缘故;


They were playing with a gun as if it were a matter of no consequence.他们把玩着枪支,好像那玩意儿无关紧要。

11. indicator n. 指示者,指示剂;【派】indicate v. ①指出,指示;②表明或按时……可能性

He flipped his indicator, and took a left.他打开汽车方向灯,向左转了弯。

Shouldwebe surprised? [Not really]. We’ve[simply]reaffirmed1an old truth: the pursuit 2 (of affluence)does[not always]end with3happiness.我们应该吃惊吗?实际上不应该。我们只是再次证实了一个古老的真理:对财富的追求并不总能带来幸福。

注:1. reaffirm v.重申,再确认。例:

This will bring strength to our markets and reaffirm our place in the world.这将为我们的市场充注活力以及确保我们在世界上的地位。

[选自:WSJ: Kevin Warsh and Jeb Bush: A New Strategy for Economic Growth]

2. pursuit n.①追求,追赶;短语:in pursuit of … 为追求……;②职业,工作。例:

The writer devoted all his life to the literary pursuit.那位作家将其毕生的精力都献给了文学事业。

3. end with以……结束,随着……结束。

Most yoga classes consist of a dozen or so gentle poses and end with meditation.大多数瑜伽课程包括一系列的轻柔动作,最后以冥想结束训练。

[选自:CNN: Yoga: Healing the body, quieting the mind]