今天是火鸟老师陪你早起打卡的第 37 天哦!Day 37



A.Somethingwrong? /ˈsʌmθɪŋ/rɔŋ/? 有什么问题吗?B.Yes. My car is having problems.


A.What's wrong?

/wɒts/rɔŋ/? 怎么回事啊?

B.It won't start. won’t=will not

/ɪt/wʌnt/sdɑrt/. 发动不起来了。





A.Is there /somethingwrong?有什么问题吗?

B.Yes. My car /is having (some) /problems.是的。我的汽车出了点毛病。

A.What's wrong /with it(your car)?怎么回事啊?

B.It won't start. won’t=will not发动不起来了。


1.Is there sth.?哪里有什么吗?


Is there sth.?哪里有什么吗?

1.Is there /a treein front of your house?

2.Is there /something wrong with your computer?

3.Is there /a planein the sky?

4.Are there /a lot o fpeople in your living room?

5.Is there /a live broad cast tonight?

6.Is there /a bird in the tree?

7.Is there /a piece of bread on the plate?

8.Is there /an avail able investment project?

9.Is there /oil in the bottle?

10.Are there /some fruits and vegetables in the cart.

11.Are there /many cars on that street.

12.Is there /a handsome guy in the picture?

13.Is there /a person with taste?

14.Are there /many people in the library today?

15.Is there /another man in your heart?

16.Are there /lions in the zoo?

17.Is there /a book on table?

18.Are there /lots of people in the park?

19.Is there /a cup for me on your desk

20.Is there /a chanceto improve yourself?

21.Is there /a live in the afternoon? I hope so. TV screen always writes a liveon the right.

22.Is there /a fearful Flood in Henan, today I have a piece of badnews, A big flood in England.

23.Why are /there so many disasters this year?

24.Is there /anything I need to prepare?

25.Is there /a meeting today?

26.Are there /many persons still want to buy that apartment? even the price is expensive/skyhigh(天价).

27.Is there /a crying child? What's the matter with her?

28.Is there /a breakfast on your table?

29.Is there /anything I can help you to finish this job?

30.Is there /somethingI should know to understand his course better?

31.Are there /many high speed rails and flights canceled because of TyphoonIn-fa, I can't go back to Hangzhou。

32.Are there /other suppliers? we can't fix only a supplier, because we need to choosethe better one.

33.Is there /a Chinese restaurant in the street?

34.Are there /any good items we can

choose from for the party in this grocery store?

35.Is there /a good shopping mall near here?

36.Are there /a lot of butterflies around the garden?

37.Is there /a pet shop around the corner, I need to take a bathe the long haircat.

38.Is there/ a contract with our customer? we have to sign the quotation bythis week.

39.Is there /anything you want to talk about now?

40.Are there /many boats in the lake?

41.Are there /anything we haven' t had our chances to finish yet?

42.Is there /a book in your bag?

43.Is there /any food in the fridge?

44.Are there /any other questions

45.Are there /mechanics at your company? When your machines are in trouble, youcan repair them.

46.Are there /any further questions?

47.Are there /people in the world with the foolishness to die because leavesdrop off a vine?

48.Are there /funds that, defying the pattern, excel in both bull and bear markets.

49.Is there /anything you want to have for your birthday?

50.Is there /a resume in your hands, you can find a new job even if you loseyour job.

51.Is there /an alarmclock? when you need to attend a meeting at a fixed time you can use it.

52.Are there /nutrition in an apple


万能公式提炼:1.what’s wrong with sb./sth.(…怎么了?)


