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Dear you, this is The LearningYard Academy.

Today Xiaobian brings you the knowledge sharing of Knowledge set | allocation of operations research resources, welcome to your visit.


Today is an example of an operations research resource allocation problem, which is titled as follows



First, the parameters of K, sk, and xk are described.




Then there is the third stage, the available funds and desirable funds in this stage range from 0 to 40,000 yuan, and the maximum benefit only needs to consider this stage, so the value of x3 is the desirable funds, that is, the diagonal. The last two columns of the table represent the highest quality of the row and the corresponding X value, respectively.



Next is the second stage, the available funds and desirable funds in this stage are also in the range of 0 to 40,000 yuan, and the maximum benefit needs to consider the value of the third stage. For example, when the available funds, that is, S2 takes 3, and X2 takes 1 means that project B invests 10,000 yuan and project C invests 20,000 yuan, so the benefit is 130,000 yuan of investment in project B plus the benefit of 300,000 yuan of investment in project C of 30,000 yuan, which is calculated as follows



Finally, the first stage, different from the latter two stages, the available funds are 40,000 yuan, the range of desirable funds is 0 to 40,000 yuan, that is, after determining the investment amount of project A, the maximum benefit of the remaining funds investment can be read directly from the second stage table, and the table calculation method is consistent with the second stage, such as X1 taking 10,000 yuan, the remaining 30,000 yuan investment B, C, that is, the maximum value of the fourth row of the second phase table 45, the calculation process is as follows


That's it for today's sharing. If you have any unique ideas for today's article, please leave a comment, let us meet tomorrow, I wish you a happy day!


