
Until today, you have always been the reason why I refused others.

In fact, I'm not waiting for you, I juest can't fall in love with others.


If your initiative to show love

Is not answered, then just stop it

You need to realize

That many things can be achieved by making great efforts

Except love


In your lifetime

you will find and meet one person

who will love you more than anybody you've ever konwn and will known

they will love you with every bit of energy and soul

someday you'll know who that is

sometimes people realize who it was



Sometimes I think

knowlege is more important than salary

smile is more important than face

happiness is more important than love

no matter what

you have to cheery


I hate to experience a broken heart again

either never get started or last for a lifetime

I don't wanna get dumped

I want someone whom I can be with forever


Be strong enough

to walk away from those that continue to hurt you

be brave enough

to walk alone

until you find the ones that deserve you


I can go days without talking to you

months without seeing you

but not a second goes by that I'm not thinking about you


You can't skip steps

you have to put one foot in front of the other

things take time

there are no shortcuts


Someines, there's not next time

no second change

no time out

now or never

things change, friends leave

and life doesn't stop for anyone



Standing alone doesn't mean I'm alone

it means, I'm strong enough to handle things all by myself

now I know

the secret of happiness is freedom

and the secret to freedom is courage


Since you left

I thought I would fall in love with others

after I met all kinds of people did I realize

you still in my mind


Behind every strong independent woman

lies a broken little girl

who had to learn how to get back up

and to never depend on anyone


