




Carbon markets are going global


Carbon markets, for years short of puff, have at last become one of the most widespread tools in the fight against climate change. By the end of 2021 more than 21% of the world’s emissions were covered by some form of carbon pricing, up from 15% in 2020. Ever more businesses have to pay regulators for the right to release a tonne of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Investors are getting interested too: trading on these markets grew by 164% last year, to €760bn ($897bn).

多年来一直缺乏活力的碳市场终于成为应对气候变化最广泛的工具之一。到2021年底,全球超过21%的排放量被某种形式的碳定价所覆盖,而2020年这一比例仅为15%。越来越多的企业为了获得向大气排放一吨二氧化碳的权利,不得不向监管机构支付费用。 投资者也开始感兴趣:这些市场的交易量去年增长了164%,达到7600亿欧元(8970亿美元)。

That is undoubtedly great news. Carbon prices ensure companies that burn more fossil fuels are at a competitive disadvantage while green innovation is rewarded. The revenue from the sale of carbon permits, meanwhile, can be reinvested in renewable energy or other virtuous ventures as governments see fit.


The problem is that very few markets work as intended. Of the 64 carbon taxes and emissions-trading systems (ETSS) that existed in 2021, only a tiny minority, covering 3.8% of emissions, priced the gas above $40 a tonne, which the Carbon Price Leadership Coalition, a group of businesses and governments, estimates as the minimum social cost of carbon (a measure of the damage done to global welfare by increasing emissions). And that may be too generous already: some economists put it at more than $200. Many carbon markets are too cheap to make a difference. Most schemes operate on the principle of “cap and trade”. Regulators set a total level of permitted annual emissions—the cap—and auction these allowances to the companies included in the scheme.




文本选自:The Economist(经济学人)


原文发布时间:31 May 2022


It is difficulties that show what men are.

