今天是火鸟老师陪你早起打卡的第 39 天哦!Day 39

对未来进行预测的英语口语对话 英语口语表达如果你改变了主意(1)


A.Well, if you change your mind, let me know.

/wɛł/, /ɪf/ju/tʃeɪndʒ/jʊr/maɪnd/, /lɛt/mi/no/.


B.I will. Thanks. That's sweet(d)^of you.

/aɪ/wɪł/./θæŋks/ . /ðæts/swit/əv/ju/.


A.No problem.

/no/ˈprɑbləm/ .





A.Well, if you /change /your mind, let me know.恩,如果你改主意了就和我说一声。

B.I will. Thanks. That's sweet(d)^of you.我会的。谢谢。你真好。

A.No problem. 这没什么的。


1,If you do sth. let sb.do sth.(如果你…,让某人..)2,That's adj. of sb.(某人太…)

裂变思维:万能公式→拆解句子→举一反三→简单句→复杂句(场景)If you do sth. let sb.do sth.(如果你…,让某人..)

1.If you /change /your job, let me know.

2.If you need a car, let me know.

3.If you need my help/accompany,let me know.

4.If you will leave to morrow, let me know.

5.If you change your time,let me know.

6.If you want to change your job, I can provide an opportunity for you.

7.If you don't go to the party, let me know.

8.If you come back, let me know, so I can cook for you.【万能公式造句延伸】场景思维:生活 工作 学习 社交9.If you need something,let me know.

10.If you get married to him, let me know.

11.If you have any questions, let me know.

Because I would like toprepare something in advance.

12.If you are lonely,you can call me, I can chat with you.

13.If you go to park this afternoon, let me follow.

14.If you have any questions,please let us know, we will behind you.

15.If you change your mind,please tell me I've been waiting for you for so long time.

16.If you want to eat something special, let me know.

17.If you want to have somethingto eat, let me know. Mom will cook it for you.

18.If you want to play basketball, let me know.

19.If you are interested in our English class, let me bring you to join us.

20.If you want to leaveearly, let me know.

21.If you married, pleasetell me, I will give it up.

22.If you want tounderstand this sentence even better, let me know, I will teach you.

23.If she hurts you,let me know, I will help you.

24.If you want toparticipate and join this program, let me know.

25.If I go to BJ, letme meet you.

26.If you forget something,just call me.

27.If you want to travelaround the world with me next time, let me know, we can travel together.

28.If you don't haveenough money, please let me know and I will lend you some first.

29.If you need a car ina meeting. Let me know, so I can prepare it for you.

30.If you go shopping,tell me, I can go with you.

31.If you want to havesome local food, let him know.

32.If you accept theoffer, let me know early.

33.If you feel sleepy, tellme please. I will read story to you.

34.If I can be of anyfurther assistance, please let me help you, because I am so bored, I have a lottime.

35.If I write it wrong,let me know.

36.If you love meplease abandon him.

37.If you want to writeanything, let me know, I will help you.

38.If it rains tomorrow,we'll not go to the park.

39.IfI send you any messages please feedback me ASAP.as soon as possible.

40.If you finish your homeworkearly, let me know, we can have dinner together.

41.If you hate me, pleaselet me know, I will keep distance with you.

42.If you go to school,let me know, I will do it myself.

43.If you do not haveavailable time to join this study right now, you can learn it by yourselflater.

44.If you have anyquestions, you can raise your hand, let me know.

45.Ifyou want to go to Shenzhen, let Mr. Firebird know, so he can prepare a feast.

46.Ifwe don't work hard, we can't finish our study this team.

47.If you can’t forgiveher by her mistake during this time, just leave it behind and let it go.

48.If you enjoy thisclass, please post likes(点赞).

49.If you want to plantsome new trees around your house in the spring, let me know and I’ll help you.

50.If you want toimprove your English even better, just follow Mr. Firebird and study here everyday.

51.If you're going to cramschool(补习班), pleasetell me. I have a lot of housework to do.

52.If you want to get abetter job in the future, you should try your best and study harder and let mehelp you.


