Word of the Day : September 29, 2021zest,下面我们就来说一说关于zest 怎么记?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!

zest 怎么记(zest热情狂热)

zest 怎么记

Word of the Day : September 29, 2021



noun ZEST

What It Means

Zest means "keen enjoyment" or "an enjoyably exciting quality."

Zest 的意思是“强烈的感受”或“有令人愉快的、兴奋的特质”。


The young couple has a zest for travel and adventure.


The seasoning added zest to the otherwise bland dish.


"It has always seemed bizarre to me to start talking about the coming winter in August. But this is Jackson Hole, and the zest for snow never seems to end." — Jim Woodmencey, The Jackson Hole (Wyoming) News and Guide, 25 Aug. 2021


Did You Know?

Zest can spice up your life—fitting for a word that English acquired from the world of cooking. Zest comes from French zeste, the name for orange or lemon peel used to flavor food or drinks. English speakers adopted the French meaning and developed an additional one referring to any quality that adds enjoyment to something in the same way that the zest of an orange or lemon adds flavor to food.

Zest 可以为您的生活增添趣味——这个是英语从烹饪界学来的。 Zest 来自法语 zeste,指用橙子或柠檬给食物或饮料调味的调味剂。 讲英语的人采用了法语的意思,并增加了一个含义,指的是任何能给某物增加趣味儿,就像用橙子或柠檬的味道为食物增添风味一样。


Fill in the blanks to complete an adjective that means "lacking zest": _ _ c _ _ _ a _ s _ _ al.