
The first rubber-tired subway train independently developed by a Chinese enterprise has rolled off the assembly line in central China's Hunan Province early this week. The train will be exported to Mexico City for an upgrading program of its Metro Line 1. The train has a maximum passenger capacity of 2,252 people, and can run at a maximum speed of 80 km per hour.


7月18日,墨西哥城地铁1号线整体现代化工程“系统 ”项目首列车在中车株洲电力机车有限公司竣工亮相。(图片来源:新华社)


胶轮地铁即为车辆采用胶轮车轮,并配以相匹配的轨道及专用导向装置的地铁系统。2020年12月,中国中车与当地政府签署周期长达19年的墨西哥城地铁1号线整体现代化改造“系统 ”项目。该改造项目包括新造29辆列车,首辆列车由中国中车旗下中车株洲电力机车有限公司研制生产,其余28辆列车将由两国合作生产。基于这一项目的具体合作内容,中车株机针对当地情况,自主研制了极具墨西哥风情的个性化胶轮地铁列车。列车全车为9节编组,最高运营时速80公里,可满足8%的爬坡能力,具备45米曲线半径通过能力。列车采用新材料、新技术、新设计,较旧款列车噪声更低、安全性更强、能耗更低。此外,为助力当地地铁的系统化升级,列车设计搭载的信号控制系统,可实现车地间双向通信,确保行驶安全和高效运营。墨西哥城有着全球最大的胶轮地铁车辆市场,胶轮地铁车辆保有量超2000辆。今年是中墨两国建交50周年。当前,中墨两国全面战略伙伴关系日益深化,多领域合作取得丰硕成果。



Since China and Mexico established diplomatic ties half a century ago, especially since they forged a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2013, bilateral relations have been developing on a fast track. The two countries enjoy ever deepening political mutual trust and enhanced friendly exchanges and cooperation in various areas. In the face of the once-in-a-century pandemic, China and Mexico have stood together and extended a helping hand to each other, setting a good example of international solidarity in the fight against the pandemic. The tree of Chinese-Mexican friendship has flourished and borne bountiful fruits, bringing tangible benefits to the people of the two countries.




steel-wheel metro


political mutual trust


comprehensive modernization
