



Snake-like Reflection of a Bow in the Cup

Yue Guang was very hospitable. One day he invited a friend to have a drink in his hall.

hospitable: adj.热情友好的;殷勤好客的;宜人的;有利的;

While drinking, his friend thought he caught a glimpse of a small snake swimming around in his cup. Though disgusted, he swallowed the wine down, but the thought of the snake nauseated him. As soon as he got home, he fell ill.

catch a glimpse of: v.瞥见; 窥见

nauseate: v. 使恶心;使想呕吐;使感到厌恶;使感到作呕;

After a few days, Yue Guang heard about his friend's illness and its cause. He thought that there couldn't be a snake in the wine cup. So he went to inspect the place where they had the drink and eventually found the cause: on the wall of the hall hung a colourful bow, the shadow of which happened to throw exactly at the place where his friend had put his wine cup.


throw: v.(突然)抛出;(随手)丢,扔;(用力)摔,掷;使突然陷入;投下;投射;洒下;(在口技等中)使(嗓音)让人听来似来自别处;举行;举办;掀掉;掀翻;掷;掷出;把……拉成坯;扳动,推动(开关、操纵杆等);使发作;(用车床)车制;使吃惊;使困惑;打出;挥出;把……摔倒在地;(尤指在拳击赛中)故意输掉;出(牌);打出(牌);(尤指母牛等雌性动物)生产(幼崽);把……捻成绳;把……搓成线;n.投;扔;投掷;投掷的距离;机遇;冒险;尝试;掷骰子;掷出的点数;(偏心轮的)偏心度;行程;摆度;(防尘用的)画架盖布;落错;断层垂直位移;(测量仪器的)偏转度;

Yue Guang hurried to his friend's home and told him about this. As soon as his friend came to understand that it was not a snake but the reflection of a bow in his cup, he got over his illness at once.

