为了在新冠肺炎疫情防控期间降低地铁客流密度,3月6日起北京将在天通苑站和沙河站试点预约进站。北京地铁表示,预约制度旨在缩短乘客等待时间,提升出行体验。Tiantongyuan and Shahe subway stations in Beijing will begin piloting a reservation system on Friday to avoid the congregation of passengers amid the coronavirus outbreak. The reservation system is aimed at reducing the wait time for passengers and providing them with a better riding experience, according to Beijing Subway.







We should speed up the establishment of an economic and social order compatible with the epidemic prevention and control, make efforts to consolidate and expand the hard-won positive trend, bring the country's economic and social development back to the normal track at an early date, and create conditions for securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and eradicating poverty.



全面恢复生产生活秩序comprehensively restore the order of production and life

差异化精准防控策略 precise and differentiated epidemic control strategies

