富二代英语是什么 在英语里怎么说(1)

1. rich second generation


second generation 贫二代

2. born with a silver spoon (in

one's mouth)


大家有没有奇怪,为何是银勺子不是金勺子呢?其实,这个谚语中,silver spoon使用了一种英语中常用的修辞手法“押头韵”。silver spoon两个单词的开头字母都是's',就胜过gold spoon。这样的例子很多,例如 as busy

as bees. ;忙碌的动物很多,但是bee 和 busy压了头韵,故人们习惯了这种说法。


She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and has never done

a day's hard work in her life. 她出生于富贵人家,一生中从未做过一天的苦活。

3.born in purple


具有权威性的《韦伯斯特大词典》对purple 一词做了这样的注释∶of a colour reserved for the use of a royal orimperial ruler,汉语的意思即为∶为皇家而专用的颜色。

根据这一解释,我们便可以知道born in

the purple这一短语表示的是这样一种含义∶born of a kingly or princely family,意为“出身于帝王家族,出身高贵”。


From a very early age the princess was aware that she was born

in the purple.


4.from a noble family

noble在英文中表示’高贵的‘。在英国这样富有阶层的社会中,称之为贵族(noble)或高贵者,首先是指国王、诸侯和公爵、侯爵、伯爵...如果说someone is from a

noble family, 意思就是说,某人来自贵族家庭。


Jim is descended from a noble family.吉姆出身于一个贵族家庭。

5.from a wealthy family

wealthy 的含义是‘富有的,阔绰的’,所以someone is from a

wealthy family 就表示某人来自富裕家庭。


He was born in a wealthy family.他出生在一个富裕的家庭。
