







Aww he doesn't like the crust


[–]Punk_434 579分

He's so methodical about it.


[–]AeroRandy 210分

especially when he was munching on the end piece, really trying to get at that thin fleshy core.


[–]Deradius 7分

Like it's his only job.

Which it is, because he's a Panda.



Lmao dude just cut the crust off like a normal person.


Cory123125 86分

I feel like someone could probably teach them to use a peeler and bring them back from endangerment.


[–]GreenFox1505 241分

They aren't endangered from lack of food. They're endangered because they'd rather eat than have sex.


[–]bamdrew 162分

Pandas in captivity don't reproduce well and appear lazy and docile.

Pandas in the wild have large territories they patrol and eat from, and have sex on the mind all the time: http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/2 ... -about-giant-pandas

The real issue is they need territory, which humans have taken and made into farms and mines and dammed-lakes. So it's just boring habitat destruction that made pandas endangered, not that they suck at living. We drew poor conclusions from captive animals because they are hard to study in the wild.




poopsocker 5422分

This is oddly hypnotizing.


[–]chamclouder 2982分

Seriously looks like a guy in a panda consume eating a churro.


[–]A_Stupid_Cat 929分

Makes that bamboo look kinda tasty


[–]HunterKiller_ 369分

I went to China! Great history, Bamboo shoots are nice to eat! Mua.....


[–]whiskeytango55 212分

It actually is. It makes great soup


[–]AltimaNEO 68分

Seems like it would be sweet like sugar cane or something.


not_old_redditor 47分

In Chinese restaurants they actually make it taste really good.


Xciv 46分

Try to find some in Chinese restaurants (the authentic ones not the American-Chinese sugarfests). Bamboo has a unique flavor. It has similar texture as an Artichoke, but tastes different.

Of course we basically eat baby bamboo, the most tender kind. Any "older" and it's like biting into a block of wood. Would not recommend.



[–]The_Grubby_One 3分

Yeah, that kind of puts things in perspective, dunnit? Mr. Panda there is basically eating a hunk of wood like it's a fuckin' Snickers.


maverick_ninefingers 277分

I wouldn't expect a bear to be so precise and efficient with the tools it has available, but it's like a machine.


[–]mercwithamouth5 109分

For the first thirty seconds I thought it was looping.


sp106 239分

Evolution, bitches. Arm lengths, joint positions, tooth positions shape and length, etc- all give an advantage when eating bamboo.

Now if you're asking what kind of bear evolves to eat bamboo instead of weaker animals, the answer is a very lazy one.



[–]Liquid_Schwartz 167分

My wife got very mad at me for saying pandas are not a great "survivor" species.

I told her they're not easy to conserve because they eat one type of food, they are lumbering, clumsy, and reproduce slowly. She was so offended that I ended up having even less sex than a panda.



[–]diamondpredator 105分

Why was she offended? Is she a panda?


IndigoFenix 100分

The truth is that pandas are not as bad at surviving as people think. They can and do eat a great number of things, and in the wild they are quite active. They are difficult to breed in captivity, but this is true of all bears, and most apex predators in general - unlike prey animals which breed fast and easy since many of them end up getting eaten, predators' main limiting factor is the availability of food and space so they tend to be reluctant to expand their population unless there is a surplus of food and plenty of open space available. It's hard to get their instincts to "realize" that their environment has the capability of sustaining a larger population when they are in a cage and surrounded by a bunch of other pandas. Zoos attempting to breed polar bears are having the same issues.

There is a bit of weirdness and inefficiency in the sense that they are a bear that evolved herbivorous behaviors, but then again...we're primates that evolved carnivorous behaviors, so who are we to talk?



ThatOldRemusRoad 870分

I’m high and I watched it like 3 times in a row. Truly art.


JumboSaltedRoasted 411分

The second stick is a better watch than the first imo.


LittleRenay 30分

It is! I would not be safe around this guy, all my instincts tell me he is nice and cuddly and would make a perfect bff for sleepovers and hanging out in the back yard. He almost doesn't look real! Clever hands! Does he have any kind of thumb or can he just hold the bamboo by wrapping his paws around it? I just know he wouldn't hurt me with those flaws or teeth.... I can tell by the sweet eyes and round head.


irGander 2904分

Why did I enjoy that so damn much?


[–]NabiscoFantastic 2373分

It was pretty refreshing to see a panda do something even halfway competently. I'm so accustomed to watching them fall out of trees and shit that I'd started the believe they sucked at everything.


[–]magpietongue 1562分

They do suck at everything. They are biologically equipped to be carnivorous but you just watched this dingus eat bamboo.


[–]alltheseUNs 267分

So could you teach panda to be carnivores?



They are opportunistic carnivores. You can still see them catch and eat monkeys and other animals much the same way from time to time.


[–]10dakota10 403分

I really want to eat bamboo shoots now. Just like that. It makes it look so delicious.


[–]Iffycrescent 190分

Have you ever handled bamboo before? It's crazy how hard the stuff is. I've always seen pandas as cute cuddly bears, but this video gives me respect for their bite power lol.


[–]NadNutter 96分

The shoots are softer than what they make flooring out of (humans eat it too!), but yeah, I wouldn't put my fingers near a panda's mouth



your best bet is sugar cane.


[–]MechaAkuma 825分

How can something so large survive and specialise on eating something so utterly worthless in caloric intake? Do they eat bamboo shoots like elephants eat food - 14 hours a day? Also do they shit like once every 10 minutes from eating just fiber?


[–]----------_---- 768分

They eat a fuckton of bamboo. 12 kg (26.5 lbs) to 38 kg (83.8 lbs) according to the WWF website.

Basically a 5th grader of bamboo every single day. Fuckin insane.



[–]Zlurpo 378分

But then we also just saw him go through like 8 pounds of bamboo in about 4 minutes in the video, so it might not take that long after all.


[–]Weigh13 264分

Half of it also ended up on the ground and not in his mouth.


[–]Fellhuhn 353分

The rest will also end up on the ground.


[–]suitelogic 193分



[–]Roneci 124分

Half of it also ended up in the ground

what are you talking about he shucked it pretty fucking surgically and ate all the meat.



[–]relator_fabula 55分

TIL a 5th grader weighs 26.5 to 83.8 lbs


[–]Huyguy 300分

Bamboo is really the largest species of grass so it's really no weirder than a cow. Also bamboo grows incredibly quickly, like 3 feet in 24 hours. That's a pretty nice replenishing food supply even it if isn't the most caloric.


[–]LittleRenay 127分

You could just lay in a pretty spot and wait for dinner to grow!


[–]Roneci 128分

and they do.


[–]lordeddardstark 35分

I bet the redditor who said that pandas are stupid because they are supposed to be carnivores but they just eat bamboo feels dumb now.


[–]NosemaCeranae 17分

ike 3 feet in 24 hour

This is on the upper limit of growth. Not a typical growth rate.



[–]Indetermination 61分

Yeah but imagine there was another animal the same shape as a cow but another colour, that would tear you apart and eat your flesh.


[–]sighs__unzips 38分

but another colour

Pandas are the same colors as cows. Coincidence?



[–]Rachilde 30分

... Except a cow has four stomachs specifically to digest fiber and cellulose and a giant panda has the digestive system of a carnivore.


[–]GladiatorJones 1708分

When it picked up the second shoot...


[–]RockyMountainDave 1463分

How does it hold the shoots so well? All it finger paws are on top and I don't see a disposable thumb. Only spleclination is spiders or the force. I guess that makes sense though


[–]mdsw 104分

finger paws


[–]TA-1000 156分

It's called the fake thumb.


[–]XtacleRonnie 67分

They have a false thumb . Adaptation at work.


[–]MonochroRainbo 884分

I don't know why, but it looks oddly like a guy in a bear suit.


[–]JustHereForTheParty 222分

I was thinking this too. Maybe it's the way he's gripping them with one hand? To me, that seems like something normally done by humans/apes, not bears, right? Then again, it's not like I watch a lot of tape on bears eating.


[–]Granadafan 72分

No way a human could chomp through those bamboo shoots. Pandas are cute and cuddly looking, but those claws are something fierce and the power of the teeth and jaw to bite rip the husk off the bamboo and slice through it like celery is not something I'd like to experience on my leg or arm


[–]MonochroRainbo 46分

He eats it like I eat beef jerky


[–]ccvssd 27分

For me it was the way it sat forward and looked around to find the second shoot. Something about that was so human like


[–]BrokenDiscoBall 30分

I thought the same thing. Something about the eyes and eye movements.


[–]waitwhyisthissticky 77分

I watched all 4 and a half minutes and could have watched 4 hours more.


[–]Elephant_lover1 383分

Cute, looks like my husband chomping on celery sticks ...


[–]noobDuck 137分 24天前

Danm, i'm impressed that a panda can hold a bamboo with 1 claw. My teacher once said only great apes with opposable thumbs can grasp object... Lies.


[–]RedditUser213 59分

Pandas have a thumb-like bone on their paws that allow them to grasp things.


[–]RedditIsOverMan 101分



[–]JulieteMikeMike 66分

Also birds, birds hold stuff...


[–]Sirisian 29分

Also polydactyl cats. My cat could manipulate his thumb just like an opposable human thumb to pick up objects and examine them.


[–]Kersplit 967分

For years and years now I have been convinced that there is a massive conspiracy afoot regarding Pandas.

I'm pretty sure Pandas don't actually exist, and every Panda you see is just a dude in a well made Panda suit.



[–]MrsBeccabear55 264分

I feel the same way. Every time I see videos of pandas they just feel wrong to me. 😅 Even seeing them in person didn't help.


[–]bamdrew 332分

There was debate about their origin/taxonomy, but they are now understood to be not only true bears but the earliest branch of bears that remains... meaning they are a weird, ancient offshoot of early bears, and so have a lot of weird quirks.


Did you know that in the wild they do hand-stands to mark their territory higher up on trees? Imagine this giant creature doing a full-on hand stand to piss higher up on a tree to convince the next bear to come along that the last guy here was even bigger than he actually is. Really special animals. Can't make this stuff up.



[–]Steve5y 168分

I bet they all think they're so clever when they're doing it too.


[–]candacebernhard 124分

Pandas have the perfect lives. They live in their food and eat all day. The food makes them happy/high. They nap and fuck a few times a year and raise some babies who get to do the same.

Humanity deserves to burn in hell for ruining such an idyllic existence. Lol



[–]prometheus5500 52分

They live in their food

Not gunna lie, it would be super nice to be able to just grab food from my daily surroundings any time I'm hungry. I mean, I guess we have grocery stores and can stock up our fridges and pantries, but I just mean while out and about I could just grab some plant that's next to me and have a snack.



[–]Reflex2011 18分

For me they just look like they were created by humans I mean they have black ears and eyes on a massive white head, i don't know the evolutionary reason as to why it's so specific but if you told a kid to design an animal I think a panda would be close to what kids would draw.


[–]ledbatman 49分

A panda walks into a bar and sits down.

Bar tender says: "What'll you have?"

The panda looks over the menu and says: "I think I'll try the soup of the day."

"No problem, coming right up!" Responds the bar tender.

The bar tender brings out the soup and panda calmly eats it enjoying every spoon full. When he's done. He wipes his mouth, reaches into his coat and pulls out a gun. He proceeds to fire a bullet into the chest of the man next to him without warning.

As the panda gets up to walk out the bar tender starts yelling at him: "What's wrong with you! Why did you do that!"

Panda: "Dude, it's fine... I'm a panda."

Bar tender: "I don't care who or what you are, you can't walk into my bar and pull some shit like that! I'm calling the cops!"

The panda looks at him like he's an idiot and tells him in a calm tone: "Look, you obviously don't understand. I'm a Panda. Look it up in the dictionary man. It' make more sense. Have a nice day!"

The panda strolls leisurely out into the street and walks away.

After he leaves the bar tender looks it up and under the definition of a panda he reads: "Panda: mellow species of bear. Eats shoots and leaves."











(这里是个英语中常见的多义词梗,Eats shoots and leaves 本意是吃嫩枝和树叶,其中shoots 同时有嫩枝和射击的意思,leaves同时有树叶和离开的意思。还有一个类似的梗,是说熊猫去大保健但不付款就走了——因为Shoot还有射精的意思,大家自行脑补)

[–]cvlrymedic 10分

It eats as loud and obnoxiously as my ex-wife.


[–]EllP33 20分

I just watched a panda eat bamboo for 4 minutes
