火星公主(7)A princes of mars,下面我们就来说一说关于火星公主英雄?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



火星公主(7)A princes of mars

She led me to another building and into a large room. The room was filled with equipment carried by the green Martians. She prepared for me some food to eat. I was very hungry. I pointed to her and said the word “Soila”. she pointed to me and said my name. this is a beginning. Soila was my guard she also became a teacher. In time she would become a close and valued friend. As I ate my meal. My lessons in the language of Martians continues.

叫苏拉的女人把我带到了另外一座建筑物内的一个大房间里,这个房间里塞满了武器,就象绿武士携带的那种装备。她为我准备一些食物,让我吃,我的肚子也饿坏了。 我指了指她说“苏拉”,她指着我说出了我的名字,这是一个新的开端。苏拉是我的守护者,同时她也成为了我的老师,很快她便成了我的一位亲密的并且很值得交往的密友。当我吃饭时,我的火星语言课程还在继续进行。

Tow days late. Turs, Turks came to my room. He carried weapons and the metal arm bands the green warrior’swear. He put them on the ground near my feet. Soila told him I now understood some of their language.


He turned to me and spoke slowly. The warrior you hit is dead. His weapons and the metal of his rank are your Jhon carter. He was a leader one small group among our people. Because you have killed him. You are now a leader. But you are still a captive and not free to leave. However, you will be treated with respect you have earned. You are now a warrior among our people.

他转向我慢慢地说道:“你打死的那个武士,他的武器和臂环就归你约翰卡特了,他是我们族中一个小部落的首领,因为你把他打死了,你现在就是这个部落的首领,但你依然是个俘虏,不能借机离开。无论如何,你用你的实力赢得了大家对你的尊重,你现在是我们族中的一位战士了 。

Turs, Turks turned and spoke softly from beyond the door. A strange creature entered the room. It was bigger than dog. It had rows of long teeth and ten very short legs and very ugly!


Turs, Turks spoke to the creature and pointed at me, he left. The creature looked at me watching closely. Then Soila spoke about the creature “his name is Wala, the men of our tribe use them in hunting or war, he had been told to guard and protect you, he has also been told to prevent your escape. There is no creature faster in our world and in a fight, he can kill very quickly. Do not try to escape John carte, Woola will tear you to pieces. ”

塔斯.塔格斯对这个怪物嘀咕着什么,并指了指我就离开了。这头怪兽走上前来更近地仔细地观望着我,然后,苏拉开始介绍这头怪兽,” 它叫乌拉,我们部落的男人们用它来打猎或作战,他已经被交待过是你的贴身保镖,并且会保护你,同时他也知道会阻止你逃跑,在我们的世界里没有比它跑得更快的物种了,并且在争斗中,他的杀伤速度非常快,不要试图逃跑,约翰卡特,否则乌拉会把你撕咬成碎片。“
