火星公主(6)A princes of marsI could tell from the surround mountains that we were on the bottom of a long dead sea. In time, we came to a huge city, at first, I thought the city was empty. The buildings were empty and poor repair.,下面我们就来说一说关于火星公主的种族?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



火星公主(6)A princes of mars

I could tell from the surround mountains that we were on the bottom of a long dead sea. In time, we came to a huge city, at first, I thought the city was empty. The buildings were empty and poor repair.


But soon, I saw hundreds of green warriors. I also saw green women and children. I soon learned about many cities like this. The cities were built hundreds of years ago by people that no longer existed.


The green Martians used the cities. They moved from one empty city to another. Never stopping for more than a day or two.


We got down from our animals and walked into a big building。 We entered a room that was filled with fierce green warriors. It was not difficult to tell that these were leaders of the green Martians.


One of them took hold of my arm, he shook me and lifted me off the ground he laughed when he did so. I was to learn that green Martians only laughed at the pain or suffering of others. This huge warrior threw me to the ground and then took hold my arm again to pick me up.


I did the only thing I could, I hit him with my closed fist as hard as I could ,the green Martians fell to theground did not move. The others in the room grew silent. I had knocked down one of their warriors with only my hand. I moved away from him and prepared to defend myself as best as I could. But they did not move.


The green Martians had captured me walked toward me. He said in a clear voice. “Turs, Turks” as he spoke he pointed to his own chest. He was telling me his name. I pointed to my chest and said my name “John Carter” he turned and said “Soila ” immediately a green Martian woman came close. He spoke to her.

