





我的日语学习过程并不顺畅。究其主要原因,就是自己内心的坚持松懈了,没人监管了,没有日语学习共同体了。现在想来,坚持是需要极大的内驱力。有人说,汉语和英语学得好,日语少烦恼。日语的文字构成,就包含了假名(平假名和片假名)、汉字和外来语等。其中,汉字就是来自我们中国的,认起来自然没有了难度。比如,飛行機(ひこうき),汉语是飞机。 而外来语里面,英语也有不少。例如,アップル(あっぷる),就是英语apple的谐音。


My Story of Learning English and Japanese-6

As mentioned above, the fun of English learning was actually that I devoted myself to and actively attended the whole process of English activities. Whole-hearted participation into all learning activities should be common to many active learners. In other words, we should get involved into English learning in an all-round way. In addition to these ordinary practices of reading and copying the words and lessons, we should also engage into all English-related learning dynamically, developmentally, continuously, repeatedly, in diverse contents and various forms. To do this might be to forget to eat and sleep. For this reason, I often missed my dinner and bedtime, and then I got a lot of loving "nagging" from my mother.

My Japanese learning process is not smooth and stable. The main reason is that my inner persistence is lax, there is no supervision, and there is no Japanese learning community. Now when I think about it, persistence genuinely required great internal drive and motive from my deep heart. Some people say that if your Chinese and English are good, then you learn Japanese in less trouble. Japanese characters include Kanas (Hiragana and Katana), Chinese characters and foreign words. Among them, Chinese characters come from China, so it is naturally not difficult for us to recognize them. For example, 飛行機(ひこうき), Chinese is an “飞机(aircraft)”. There are also many foreign words in English. For example, アップル (あっぷる) is the homonym of English “apple”.

(to be continued...)







