Word of the Day : October 24, 2021mirage,下面我们就来说一说关于mirage 蜃气楼?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!

mirage 蜃气楼(mirage海市蜃楼幻影)

mirage 蜃气楼

Word of the Day : October 24, 2021



noun muh-RAHZH

What It Means

A mirage is a reflection of light that can trick the mind into interpreting a sight as an apparently solid thing. The word is also used figuratively to describe things that are illusory or unattainable.

A mirage 是光的反射,可以诱使头脑将景象解释为表面上的实物。 这个词也被比喻性地用来描述虚幻或无法实现的事物。


What the shipwrecked crew thought was a ship on the horizon turned out to be a mirage.


The team's early season hopes for a first-place finish are now a mirage.


"Kozell spent the first day after the storm patching holes in his own roof, and he's been helping clients ever since. A day off is a distant mirage for workers like him and Hasan, who predict they'll be patching roofs for weeks to come." — Matt Sledge, The Times-Picayune, 6 Sept. 2021


Did You Know?

Mirage comes from the French verb mirer ("to look at"), which is related to mirror. Mirer, itself, is from Latin mīrārī ("to wonder at"), the ancestor of the commonly seen admire, miracle, and marvel.

Mirage来自法语动词 mirer(“to look at「看」”),与mirror有关。 Mirer 本身来自拉丁语 mīrārī(“ the wonder at「惊奇」”),它是常见的admire「钦佩」、miracle「神迹」和 marvel「奇迹」的祖先。


Unscramble the letters to create a word for an illusion of the mind that comes from the name of a monster from Greek mythology: AHRIEMC.

