Why are we afraid of the dark? I'm so cool I'm not afraid.



Some experts say humans have developed this fear due to evolution.


In prehistoric times our ancestors were at high risk of being attacked by predators or enemies, when in dark, hence through evolution the tendency to fear darkness developed, also in the dark as we cannot see properly, it creates anxiety making us imagine the worst possible outcome, so it is not the darkness itself that we find frightening, it is what or who lurks in that darkness.

在史前时代,我们的祖先很容易在黑暗中受到捕食者或敌人的攻击 ,因此,通过进化,恐惧黑暗的趋势发展起来,也是在黑暗中,因为我们看不清楚,它会让我们产生焦虑,让我们想象最糟糕的结果,所以我们觉得可怕的并不是黑暗本身 ,而是潜伏在黑暗中的什么或谁。

Also if we observe other people getting afraid or if we are told to be afraid about something, we immediately accept those things as scary, so whether it is our parents warning us about the dark or a horror movie showing a ghost appear in the dark, our brain latches onto it and starts getting afraid of the darkness

此外,如果我们观察到其他人感到害怕,或者如果我 们被告知要害怕某事,我们会立即接受这些事情是可怕的,所以,无论是我们的父母警 告我们要提防黑暗,还是一部表现黑暗中鬼魂出现的恐怖片,我们的大脑抓住它,开始害怕黑暗。
