最近,在东京残奥会赛场上,一个成绩不佳,甚至可以说是被对手“碾压式”惨败的48岁的大叔,却让全世界为之惊叹。他没有双臂,也能打乒乓球,这真的有人做到了——他就是易卜拉欣·哈马托(Ibrahim Hamadtou)。


Ibrahim Hamadtou of Egypt was just 10 years old when a tragic train accident resulted in the amputation(截肢) of both of his arms. Children are resilient, and Ibrahim didn’t let his life-changing circumstances keep him from playing, working, and eventually growing up to marry and have three kids. Oh, did we mention he’s also a world-famous table tennis player?

“In our village, we could only play, at that time, table tennis and soccer — that’s why I played both,” Ibrahim said. “It was logic to play soccer first due to my case; then I played table tennis as a challenge.”

All it took was one friend’s snide words to inspire Ibrahim to succeed at table tennis. “I was in the club where I was officiating(担任裁判) a match between two of my friends,” he recalled. “They disagreed on a point, when I counted the point in favor of one of them, the other player told me, do not interfere as you will never be able to play. It was that statement that fired me up to decide to play table tennis.”

And play he did! Ibrahim has earned several honors throughout his career so far, including silver medals in the African Para Table Tennis Championships in 2011 and 2013.



1 . After losing his arms, Ibrahim Hamadtou_____.

A almost lost all his hope

B learned how to make some changes

C lived under the shadow of sorrow for years

D didn’t let the horrible accident affect his life




