








I'm pleased to join the forum and impressed by the speeches given by the leading experts on how to achieve the ambitious goal of realizing carbon neutrality by 2060 in China.

While industrial sector and energy sector play a key role for achieving carbon neutrality, as the Representative of UN Food and Agriculture Organization in China, I would like to underline the very important role of agriculture and food systems to combat climate change (and will briefly share with you FAO's work in this area).

At global level, it is estimated that Food and agriculture needs to produce 49 percent more food by 2050, which is already a major driver of climate change. Agriculture, forestry and other land use cause almost one quarter of greenhouse gas emissions, while food systems contribute up to 37 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, according to the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

At the same time, agriculture and food systems are hugely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Climate impacts - such as extreme weather events, spreading pests and diseases, loss of biodiversity, degrading ecosystems, and water scarcity will worsen as the planet warms.

FAO’s State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture 2019, laid out how climate change will accelerate the loss of the ecosystems and Biodiversity that provide the foundations for human existence, including food production.

Climate change is threatening food safety and food security.

On this planet we have more than 84 percent small farmers, including Chinese farmers. The burden of the impacts of climate change affects particularly small-scale farmers, small and medium enterprises and poor consumers.

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2019 cited the changing climate as a key driver behind a rise in the number of hungry people – which rose to over 820 million in 2018.

Agriculture and food systems make a huge contribution to climate action.

The food and agricultural sectors need to be at the center of our global response to climate change. Around 90 percent of commitments under the Paris Agreement include the agricultural sectors.

Agricultural and food system transformation is crucial, which should become adaptive to climate change, less wasteful of natural resources and capable of delivering healthy diets for all.

Such transformation of agriculture and food systems can only succeed if it harnesses innovation. And engaging the private sector in adaptation and mitigation efforts is of crucial importance, which has the power to drive change through transfer of knowledge and with the required financial resources.

FAO – in coordination and in collaboration with the other agencies – is supporting governments and stakeholders for an agriculture and food system transformation at multiple levels.

I would like to give you some practical examples.

·FAO – in close collaboration with the UNFCCC and other key actors – is supporting agricultural adaptation and mitigation strategies through inter alia the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture.

·FAO supports countries in integrating their agri-food sector in National Adaptation Plans and Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement, from policy design to improved practices and capacity development.

·FAO is also promoting digital farming and digital rural development to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while increasing agriculture productivity and income.

·Over 300 projects and programmes have addressed climate change adaptation and mitigation in the agricultural sectors since 2009.

FAO’s work on climate change in China

China’s agricultural production has grown by nearly 5% per year since the late 1970s. This has enabled China to feed nearly 20% of the world’s population with only 5% of the world’s freshwater and 8% of global arable land. At the same time, China’s agriculture is a major emitter of greenhouse gases. Total GHG emissions from the food system, from production to consumption, are estimated to represent about 20-25% of China’s total national emissions or 4-5% of total global emissions.

Meanwhile, China’s agricultural production systems are highly vulnerable to climate change, which is already significantly impacting agricultural production in China, most notably through the occurrence, development and damage caused by disease and pests, and by affecting the growth, development and yield of crops.

China is active in promoting the reduction of agricultural emissions and has valuable experience in doing so. National agricultural development plans have directly or indirectly worked to bring about early peak carbon and carbon neutrality.

FAO has the honor to have witnessed and supported the agricultural sector development over the years. Working with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) and other national stakeholders, FAO-China has been supporting innovative approaches for agriculture development, revitalization of ecosystem and biodiversity, as well resilience to climate change risks.

·FAO is committed to promoting Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) in the country, an approach that helps to guide actions needed to transform and reorient agricultural systems to effectively support development and ensure food security in a changing climate. The climate-smart agriculture has been mainstreamed and strengthened through policy advocacy, information exchange as well as field programmes in different part of the country.

·Supported by Global Environmental Facility (GEF), FAO is working with MARA to facilitate the innovative transformation of China’s agro-landscapes and agri-food value chains towards environmental and ecological sustainability at scale in support of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), rural revitalization, ecological civilization, and climate resilience. It is estimated that the project interventions will result in direct and indirect GHG emissions mitigated (carbon sequestered or emissions avoided) of 6 million tons of CO2equivalent.

·Collaborating with National Forest and Grassland Administration (NFGA), FAO with GEF support is working in four Chinese provinces to effectively employ incentive-based sustainable forest management (SFM) practices in reforestation and forest restoration activities, enhancing car-bon storage and sequestration as well as biodiversity conservation.

Just to name a few.

To conclude, let me stress that, agriculture and food systems must play a central role in addressing climate change and achieving carbon neutrality. FAO provide the information, the experience and the tools that can turn the climate commitments into actions.

But no organization can achieve this transformation alone. FAO stand ready to partner with you in this ambitious transformation for Better Production, Better Nutrition, Better Environment, and Better life, leaving no one behind.

Thank you.
