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abundant [ə'bʌndənt]adj.丰富的 充裕的 大量的

abound [əˈbaʊnd] vi. 富于;充满

adequate ['ædikwit]adj.足够的 充足的 适当的 可以胜任的

affluent ['æfluənt] a.富裕的,富有的,丰富的,富饶的

ample ['æmpl] a.充分的,富裕的;宽敞的,宽大的

amplify ['æmpli.fai]vt.放大 增强 扩大 详述 使...增幅

He also amplified physician concerns that “the different medications may cause adverse effects in patients.”


Recent social science, public health, and legal research demonstrates that the laws increase homicide rates while amplifying the gender and race biases of our criminal justice system.


amplifier ['æmplifaiə] n.放大器,扩大器

magnify ['mæɡnifai] vt.放大,扩大,夸大,夸张

The problem with journalists and media, especially today’s media, is that they magnify the sensational at the expense of the significant.


Back in the 1990s, it looked like Britain might consolidate its European role and seek to magnify its global influence through the EU.


magnifier n.放大镜;放大器

fertile ['fə:tail]adj.肥沃的 多产的 能繁殖的

He was born on those fertile plains but he made his career in the city, where he became an important man who wears suits and drives a big car.


“Black Leopard, Red Wolf” is its first volume, set in an ancient Africa and combining African history, mythology and James’ fertile imagination.


fertilize ['fə:tilaiz]v.施肥 使丰饶

fertilizer ['fə:tilaizə]n.肥料

sufficient [sə'fiʃənt]adj.足够的 充分的

suffice [sə'fais] v.充足,足够;vt.(食物等)使(某人)满足

plentiful ['plentifəl]adj.丰富的 富裕的 多的

plenty ['plenti]n.丰富 充足 大量 繁荣 adj.充足的adv.非常

multitude ['mʌlti,tju:d, -,tu:d] n.众多,大量

multiply ['mʌltiplai]vt.使增加 乘 vi.扩大 繁衍 做乘法 adv.多样地 多重地

multiple ['mʌltipl]adj.复合的 并联的 许多 多种多样的

He's been too ambiguous about what he would do, and his positions tend to be on multiple sides of the issue.


lassitude [ˈlasɪtjuːd] n.疲乏;无精打采

But apart from the swiftly fading pain, and a certain lassitude which was new to him, he felt no different.



segment ['seɡmənt, seɡ'ment] n.段,片,节,部分

Sales got a boost in the U.S. in 2007 after an Oprah segment featuring Dr. Oz, who suggested that washing the inside of one’s nose was as logical as washing one’s armpits.


altitude ['æltitju:d]n.高 高度 海拔 高处 高地

latitude ['lætitju:d] n.纬度,行动或言论的自由(范围),(pl.)地区

attitude ['ætitju:d]n.态度 看法 姿势

aptitude [ˈaptɪtjuːd] n.天资;才能

But these correlations are far from perfect, and for some practical purposes it's worth distinguishing between aptitude and competence.


gratitude ['grætitju:d] adj.感激 感谢 感恩 n.感恩之心

grateful ['greitfəl] adj.感激的 感谢的 令人愉快的

barren ['bærən] a.贫瘠的;不育的;(植物)不结果的;无用的

They were both born white but are now more the color of a barren desert.


But in the first half of the 19th century, American homes—especially the poorer ones—were still relatively barren of playthings.


On the east side of the school building was a barren playground with a basketball goal.


desolate['desələt, 'desəleit] a.荒凉的;孤独的 v.使荒芜

Over here is just about the most desolate, melancholy landscape in the world.


It’s easy to imagine dinosaurs roaming this desolate land millions of years ago.


She used the imagery of the bleak moors to convey her own desolate state of mind.


