
My Name is Leeza Gordon, I am the eldest of 6 children, 3 Brothers Anthony, Ashley and Jason. 2 Sisters Chardonnay and Keyan. I have 2 nieces Tegan and Zayi.

我是Leeza Gordon, 在家排名老大,有三个弟弟Anthony, Ashley及Jason,两个妹妹Chardonnay和Keyan,我还有两个姪女Tegan及Zayi。


To say that I come from large is an understatement my Mothers parents George and Icymay Green had eight children and my father's parents had 6 children I have 16 first cousins and 12-second cousins who are my cousin children. Of all the children in the family of which I am one of the eldest. So, growing up in this family there was never a shortage of children to play with and also children to look after.

我来自一个大家庭,妈妈的爸妈George与Icymay Green有八个小孩,爸爸的家族有六个小孩。而我是家族的孩子中最年长的,共有16个表兄弟姐妹,有12个姪子和姪女。在这样子的家庭环境中长大,儿时总是有许多玩伴以及要照顾的弟妹们。


Both sets of grandparents are from Jamaica they were invited to England during the 1950s, at a time when Britain's economy was suffering greatly, and the nation was plagued with high labor shortages. The UK Government asked the Jamaican for help and encouraged migration in an effort to rebuild the country after the second world war.when they arrived in England they were not treated very well despite the ill-treatment they had faced they built a life for themselves and their family and our household was filled with love positive music and many children playing and having fun. In my culture having many children was considered a blessing from God and sign of wealth. The more western the family became they swapped our culture for the western culture places more importance on money. My parents are first generation, British citizens. In the UK your citizen is based on where you were born. So even though our heritage is Jamaican as this where our family lines start our citizenship is Jamaican.

我的外公外婆和爷爷奶奶们都来自Jamaica,在1950年代的英国,当时经济不景气,有大量劳工需求,我的家人们被邀请来到这片土地。英国政府在当时鼓励雅买加人移民到英国帮助二次世界大战后的重建工作。当时他们并没有受到良好的对待,在这样不人道的对待之下,我的家人们建立了一个充满爱, 正向, 音乐的家庭教养。在我们的文化中,拥有许多小孩是上天的恩赐与财富的象征。然而在越是西方的社会,金钱更是主要的文化轴心。我的父母是第一批的英国公民,在英国你的公民身份认定是根据出生地的,即便我们的血缘以及家族的公民身份是来自Jamaica。

My story, unfortunately, is not a unique one. My mother became pregnant and was abandoned by my father. My siblings and I share the same father but have different mothers. when my mother found out she was pregnant she went back to my family home and told her parents that she was pregnant.

My grandparents said that she was to have the baby and they would look after the child while she went to work. As my cousin began being born one by one they would come to my grandparent's house while their parents went to work.


So, I was raised by my grandparents George and Icymay Green. I always remember them making me feel like the most important person in the world. My greatest memories as a child were times with I spent with my grandparents. They were always telling me stories, I was always talking, we were always laughing and joking and combing my grandma's hair.

因此,我是由祖父母George和Icymay Green拉拔养大的,他们总让我感到我是世界上最特別的。最美的回忆都是那些与祖父母共处的时光。他们和我说了好多的故事,我总是滔滔不绝地一直说话,帮外婆梳头发,和他们一同欢笑同乐。

My grandma past away when I was seven old and then my Granddad past away when I was 15 years old.



They were the glue that kept the family together. At this time my mother was unable to take care of me. I spent some time with the family members as one day the constant up and down and backward and forward became too much. I packed up my bags and I left the family home. Whilst growing up my grandma use to tell me stories or have a saying for everything. little did I know that all the stories, all saying all lesson they had taught me was setting me up for life. One of the biggest lessons my grandparents taught me was getting an education and being independent. my first ever job was washing our neighbor's cars when we were around 11 years old. I then went on to work at chips shop at 13 and I have worked every day ever since.



The moment I left home has put me on life path full of pain, love, life lessons and always striving to be the best version of me. I put myself through school, then I went to college and then I went on to study at one top Law Schools in the UK.


After I graduated I worked at a job that I was not happy with. Which brought me to China to teach English. 2.5 years I went from a teacher to training teacher to a senior teacher to an acting Language Learning Director. In addition to this, I’m a motivational speaker and entrepreneur. I am the founder of Icymay.com, which provides beauty products for African Caribbean women, as well as DFG. DFG (Destined For Greatness) is a creative platform which inspires people through art. We specialize in 'art fusion' or meshing arts together on a single platform. The art catalog includes performing arts, music, dance, fashions and 'the arts'. The heart of DFG is building bonds with the local community and giving back through charity projects. we have worked with many local charities’ lunches for children, not for sale and the Kaping project. There are 3 parts to DFG: the creative platform, charity projects and consultancy service for fashion, translation, life skills workshop course and Career Development.




