1 The monks loitered around looking bored or irritated, and the buildings pulsed with tourists(Para.3),下面我们就来说一说关于英汉互译翻译报告?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



1 The monks loitered around looking bored or irritated, and the buildings pulsed with tourists。(Para.3)


2 Pink and yellow flowers,red leaves and gray puffballs lined our route up.(Para.11)


3 Finally the terrain flattened out, leaving us with a panoramic view of the town on one side and an endless array of hills on the other.(Para.12)


4 As the bus weaved along the road out of town,I kept sight of a rainbow framed against a brewing storm.(Para.13)


5 Exploring on foot,climbing mountains, picking up garbage from the road,real travelers have always practiced low carbon travel,although we didn’t always have the term.


1 在穿过华盛顿广场公园时,我注意到一个小男孩和他妈妈在出售纪念品。(walk through, souvenir)

I was walking through Washington Square Park when I noticed a small boy and his mother selling souvenirs.

2 顺着楼梯一直下到二楼,沿着走廊(corridor)向前走,会议厅就在右手边。(follow ...all the way, walk along, the meeting hall)

Follow the stairs all the way down to the second floor, walk along the corridor and you will find the meeting hall on the right.

3这个村庄坐落在平静的山谷里,四周群山环绕,绵延不绝。(lie,surround,array of)

The village lies in a peaceful valley, surrounded by an endless array of hills.

4 进入岳麓书院(YueluAcademy)的正门后,导游每走几步就会停下来讲解眼前所见的碑刻(stoneinscription)和楹联(couplet)的典故。(stop every few stepsin sight)

After entering the gate of Yuelu Academy, the guide would stop every few steps to tell stories about the stone inscriptions and couplets in sight.


Erhai Lake is an enchanting scenic spot in Dali, Yunnan Province. Although called “hai’ in Chinese, which equals “sea” in English, it’s actually a lake. It gets the name of “hai’’ out of the local citizens’yearning for the sea, and the name of“Er” is due to its similarity in shape to the human ear. The water of Erhai Lake is very clear. When the wind and waves are calm, it looks like a dark green gem; the breeze blows by, the lake is shining with gold, and there are beautiful waves. People may roam and take pictures along the lakeside, enjoying a slow-paced leisurely time there. Erhai Lake has always been the symbol of serenity and purity in the hearts of locals and tourists can share in the peace ofmind it offers.


When we were young, we felt joyful with the beauty of life just watching a busy ant, a flock of flying birds, or eating delicious foods. But when we grow up, we become lost in daily chores and our desires, ignoring the beauty around us. Actually, beauty is never far from us. We may feel beauty from a ray of sunlight, a forest, or a blade of grass. We may get beauty from selflessness and caring of others. We may discover beauty in trust and mutual help with friends. We may perceive beauty from the books we read and appreciate gorgeous natural views. Experience with your heart, and you will find that life is always full of charm and beauty.
