
cool /kuːl/ a.凉的;冷静的;酷的 v.使变凉,使冷静下来

【备考短语】~ down冷静下来

【精选例句】 Keep your computer in a dry cool room. Too much heat is bad for computers. (铜仁)

Try to cool yourself down a bit before you say anything.


copy /'kɒpɪ/ n.复制品;(一)本v. 复印,抄写,抄袭

【备考短语】a ~ of一册(本,份)…【精选例句】--Sir, Jenny wants to know when she can leave the office. ---Only when she finishes copying this report. (广东)

The painting is a copy of one in the museum.

corn /kɔːn/ n.谷物,玉米

【精选例句】Traditionally, American Indians’ dishes were made with corn, beans, potatoes and pumpkin. (广东)


corner /'kɔːnə/ n.角,墙角;街角,转弯处

【备考短语】around the ~ 即将到来;在拐角处;在附近

【精选例句】---Look! Someone has moved the icebox back to the corner. ---Well, it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it. (厦门)

The Spring Festival is just around the corner.

correct /kə'rekt/ a.正确的 v.改正,纠正

【词形变化】ad. correctly

【精选例句】We may fail from time to time, but we can learn from failure, correct our mistakes and try again until we achieve our goals. (鄂州)

It does show that such opinion is not correct.


