
2021.3.14 爱你爱一生一世

Romance comes around again

14 March 2021 Love you forever




Celebrate pure love in the warmth

and light of spring this White Valentine’s Day.

每一个恋人之间的节日,都应该有它特别的模样。每一句甜言蜜语,都是专属于你们的欢喜。宠溺你爱的TA,从味蕾开始。在一席美馔中延续爱的温存,共同分享唇齿间的甜蜜。Opera BOMBANA 于2021白色情人节再次为爱侣们带来华美佳作,精品套餐售价人民币净价3800元/两位,于暧昧的氛围中迎接美味的降临。

When you are with the one you love, every day is a holiday to be celebrated. This White Valentine’s Day, treat the one you love to a very special meal at Opera BOMBANA. The menu package is priced at RMB 3,800 net per couple.


Like love itself, the menu has both sweetness and sourness and is full of surprises. dig into a dish of handmade pasta served with luxurious sea urchin. Wagyu beef ravioli in spring mushroom broth is delicate and light but with a surprising earthiness from black truffle. Pan-fried cod with aubergine purée, basil sauce, and pimente d’espelette is reminiscent of the sunny warm you feel when you first fall in love. Finally, the menu finishes with White lover's dessert.


This White Valentine’s Day, put your love on a plate.

opera bombana探店(纯白之恋在OperaBOMBANA让爱与美味一同隽永于心)(1)
