

191. When he was there, he ______ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.

A. would

B. should

C. had better

D. might

解析:他每天下班后都会去街角的那家咖啡馆,虽然有every day,但是从句用的是was,可以看出是过去的每一天。注意,如果有选项will,不能选。

should表示应该 在过去式里 一般表示应该做某事(但实际却没有做)

had better意为最好去做某事,一般是虚拟语气,多用于建议别人怎么做的

might是说可能,语法上没什么问题,但是句末有个every day,逻辑上不太通顺。would表示主观意愿 答案为A。

192. The family ___ at the lunch table when someone came to tell them what had happened at ___.

A. were sitting; Mr Brown

B. were sitting; Mr Brown’s

C. was sitting; Mr Brown

D. was sitting; Mr Brown’s

解析:当有人来告诉他们Mr. Brown家出了什么事的时候,全家正坐在餐桌旁吃午餐。family这里指全体家庭成员的每个人,故谓语动词用复数;

如果句中是what had happened to, 后面接Mr Brown.

What had happened 地点/时间 at Mr.Brown’s 表示在布朗先生家里。


193. He’s never stolen anything before, ______ he?

______. It’s his third time to be taken to police station.

A. hasn’t; Yes

B. is; Yes

C. has; Yes

D. has; No


他以前从没偷过东西,是不是? 主句有never表否定,后面用肯定形式,A排除,且是助动词has,后面也要用has,B也排除。后文的,这是他第3次被带到警察局了。说明他以前偷过,不同意提问人的观点。

对于问句是否定形式,答句用yes,表示否定“不”(表示不同意提问人的观点),no 表示 肯定“是的”(同意提问人的观点)答案为C。


194. An earthquake _______ Dachaidan County in Qinghai province on the morning of April18.



C.took place


解析:“sth. happened 地点/时间”意为:“某地/某时发生了某事” 地点前要加介词。常指预想不到或出乎意料的事件的发生,具有偶然性。

take place 指实现计划好或预想到的事情的发生。具有必要性

appear 出现 与题意不符合

rock 使....摇晃 使...震动 答案为B.


195.- --We will do what we can ____ourselves this term.

---It’s high time for you to work hard.


B.to improve

C.be improved

D.be improving

解析:这题可能会误选A,因为大家知道情态动词can后接动词原形,但是请大家分析下句子的成分,这里的what we can 实际省略了do,这个what we can do 在句子中作宾语从句。正确答案是B,用动词不定式作目的状语。后面回答的it's time for sb. to do sth.....对某人来说是时候去做...这是固定用法。


196. --- Did you finish _____ the book?

---- Yes ,I did. Thanks ____ your dictionary, I had a better understanding of it.



C.to read, for

D.to read ,to

解析:finish doing sth.完成做某事 thanks to “由于”、“幸亏”,to表示感谢的对象 thanks for 意为“因……而感谢”,for强调为何而感谢,其后可接名词或v-ing。 答案为B。

197.Tom hasn’t phoned us for a long time. What do you suppose _____ to him?

A.was happening

B.to happen

C.has happened


解析:do you suppose你认为,是插入语。他发生了什么以至于我们那么久没听到她的消息? 强调他发生的事对现在产生了影响,所以要用现在完成时。答案为C。


198.--The boy was _____ frightened to see the animals _______ he couldn’t move.

-- In fact, they don’t attack people unless they are cornered.

A. too, to

B. so, that

C. very, that

D. such ,that

解析:看见这些动物,这个男孩如此害怕以至于不能移动。答案为B。不能用too...to(to后面不能接从句 )such修饰名词,第一个空格后是frightened害怕的,是形容词,要用so, so…that…如此……以至于……

199. ---Why don’t you go to the lecture-room and listen to the talk?

  ---I hear there isn’t    in it.

A. something new 

B. new anything  

C. anything new   

D. nothing new

解析:形容词修饰复合不定代词时要后置,放在不定代词后面 否定句用anything代替something 答案为C。There isn’t anything new in it= there is nothing new in it.

200. ---Football    by the British at the beginning of last century.

  ---That’s probably why football is one of   popular games in England.

A. was invented, the most     

B. invented, more

C. was invented, more

D. invented, the most               

解析:上个世纪初为过去的时间,且足球是被发明,用过去被动时。在英国足球是最受欢迎的运动之一,one of…表示……之一,答案为A。             
