

What sports did you do when you were a kid?

基础:individual sports个人运动, team sports团体运动, sports meeting运动会

I did individual sports like running, and team sports like basketball. I also participated in the annual sports meetings in school often.

高级:Sporty擅长运动的, pro职业选手, tournament 锦标赛,联赛

I did table tennis when I was a kid. Cuz I was quite a sporty kid, I was selected to the school table tennis team and became a pro. Actually, I've won several provincial tournaments.

What’s your favorite sport? Why?

基础:be interested in 对...感兴趣 , self-control 自控能力, independence独立性

I’m most interested in jogging, cuz it teaches me the value of self-control, and independence.

高级:be into对...感兴趣, self-discipline自律能力, self-reliance 自立性

I’m most into jogging, cuz it teaches me the value of self-discipline, and self-reliance.

Do you watch sports matches? Why?

基础:World cup世界杯, the Olympic Games奥利匹克运动会, volleyball排球

I watch World cup, the Olympic Games and a little bit volleyball.

高级: Grand Slam大满贯, Super Bowl超级碗(美国橄榄球超级杯大赛), rugby(英式橄榄球)

I watch Grand Slam, Super Bowl and a little bit rugby.

Are you a fan of any sports teams? Why?


Manchester United 曼联(Beckham) Fc Barcelona 巴塞隆纳(Messi) Real Madrid皇家马德里(Cristiano Ronaldo)

Text message

Do you like texting?

基础:convenient 方便 type打字 keep in contact with 与..保持联系

Yes, I think it’s pretty convenient since typing is easy for me. It’s a good way to keep in contact with friends.

高级:handy 方便 forward转发 emoji表情符号

Yes, I think it’s pretty handy since you can copy and forward. Plus, it’s entertaining since you can send emojis.

Do you prefer sending or receiving messages?

基础: Reply回复 troublesome麻烦 make a phone call 打电话

Neither, I think sending and replying are troublesome. I prefer to make a phone call.

高级:at the most convenient time在最方便的时候 obligated 有义务的 abbreviations缩写

I prefer sending, since I can do it at the most convenient time. While, receiving, I feel like obligated to respond as soon as possible. Plus, there might be some abbreviations that I don’t understand.

Have you ever received a confusing text message?

基础:advertisements 广告 typo 打字错误 wrong number 错误号码

Yes, some advertisements or a message wit typo, or a message sent by the wrong number.

高级:smishing text message诈骗信息, fraudulent text messages诈骗短信,fraudsters骗子

Yesterday, Bank of Ireland said it would be conducting a review after people reported being taken in by smishing text message /fraudulent text messages. Some customers reported losing thousands of euros after inadvertently giving banking information to fraudsters.

In what circumstances is making a phone call better than sending a text message?

基础:emergency 紧急事件 immediately立刻 apologize 道歉

When there is an emergency or you need a reply immediately, or when you need to apologize.

高级: hands-free免手提的 speaker 扬声器 connecting 起连接作用的,连接感

Maybe when you are busy doing something else. Cuz calling is hand-free sine you can use the speaker. And maybe when you want to contact someone near and dear, since talking over the phone is more connecting.

Meeting new people

Do you like meeting new people?

基础: Excitement 兴奋,刺激 Positive 积极的 Have a conversation with交谈

Yes, I do like the excitement when meeting new people. I like to have a conversation with new people and like to know them better. Bright and positive people always interest me. I like to know people to know about the ideas, the talent they carry within themselves.

高级:introvert 内向的 make attempts to 尝试去,努力去 novelty 新奇,新鲜事物

I'm an introvert, but I don't mind meeting new people, because they have so new stories to

tell. Different cultures, different language, different opinion, yet we both make attempts to

know each other. There is a sort of novelty that comes to me, every time I meet someone new.

How do you feel when people welcome you?

基础: Glad高兴的 friendly友好的 kindness 好意

I’ll feel glad, since it means they are friendly to me. I appreciate this kindness.

高级:Delighted 高兴的 hospitable热情友好的 hospitality 好意,殷勤

I’ll feel delighted, since it means they are hospitable to me. I appreciate this hospitality.

Do you often meet new people?

基础:easygoing随和的 sociable 善交际的 nervous紧张的

Yeah, since I’m quite easygoing and sociable, but I get nervous when meeting new people as well.

高级: associated with 与...有关系 like-minded 志趣相投的 break rooms 休息室

Very often. There is this club that I am associated with and then there is my workplace. Apart from them, I go out to play badminton so there are again many people that I get to meet.

I think the best place to meet new people is in clubs or groups where you can find like-minded people. Also, you can meet people in cafeterias where there are so many people who are sitting alone. One can even meet people in the break rooms where lot of people come to take breaks.

Can you tell if you like someone when you meet them for the first time?

基础:limited有限的 appearance 外表 personality 性格

No, since the information you get for the first time is limited. You only need a second to get to know a person’s appearance, but personality takes a lot longer.

高级: first impression 第一印象 Six sense第六感 intuition 直觉

Yes, I think first impression tells a lot since it’s based on six sense - your intuition. It can be trusted.


Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

基础:Stranger陌生人 talkative 爱说话的 listener倾听者

I prefer to listen, especially when having a conversation with strangers, since I’m not that talkative. I think I’m more comfortable just being a listener.

高级:Acquaintance熟人 near and dear 极亲密的 chatty 爱说话的

It depends. When having a conversation with acquaintances, I listen most of the time. But when talking with someone near and dear to me, I’m quite chatty.

What do you like to talk about?

基础:formal 正式的 informal 不正式的 entertaining 娱乐性的,好玩的

It depends on the situation. If it’s formal, I’ll talk about something serious, but if it’s informal, I mostly just talk about something entertaining.

高级:study-related 和学习有关的bestie闺蜜 buddy哥们 gossip 聊八卦

It depends on the situation. When talking with classmate, it’s usually about study-related topics, but if I chat with my bestie/buddy, we just gossip.

3. Have your discussion topics changed since you were a child?

基础: Childish 孩子气的,幼稚的 related to 与..有关cartoon 卡通片

Definitely, when I was a kid, my topics were childish, and mostly related to cartoons.

高级:Innocent 天真的 Mature成熟的current affairs 实事

Definitely, when I was a kid, my topics were innocent, mostly about comic books. But I’m more mature now, so I sometimes talk about serious stuff like current affairs.

4. Do you change your opinion frequently?

基础:Determined 坚决的,坚定的 persuade 劝说 suggestion建议

Not really, since I’m quite determined, unless when someone persuade me with better suggestions.

高级:Assertive 有主见的 convince 说服,使确信 prove sb. wrong 证明某人是错误的

Not really, since I’m quite assertive, unless when someone convinces me with better ideas or prove me wrong.

Describe the time when you first talked in a foreign language

You should say:

Where you were

Who you were with

What you talked about

And how you felt about it

思路:在英语课堂上,在旅游路上,在西餐厅等基础词汇: foreign country外国 communicate with与..交流 nervous紧张的 excited兴奋的高级词汇:International language 国际语言formal language官方语言 awesome极好的,很棒的Sample

English is an International language and it is mostly used in every foreign country to communicate with each other. But I live in the Northern part of India. So, they’re mostly used Hindi, Punjabi, and Haryanvi language. Nowadays English is also used as a formal language but nobody can communicate in English regularly. Now I would like to share my old memory with you when I used foreign language first time in an informal way.

Last year my cousin and his friend had come to India for vacations and they stayed our home. My cousin’s friend (Mack) was not able to understand our local language. So that was the first time when I was used English to communicate with him. As before I used English only for formal meetings and speeches but that was the first time when I used it properly. In the first day when I communicate with Mack in English, I was little nervous because I had never done this before but later on my hesitation had removal. I loved it and learned some new words from him. Mack also excited to learn our local language(Punjabi). So, I also taught him some words like “Sat Sri Akal”,” Haan ji” etc. This experience is really awesome and new. It helped me gain knowledge and confidence that I can easily communicate with others in English.

Describe something you enjoyed doing with a group of people

You should say:

What it was

When and where you did it

Who you did it with

And why you think it was enjoyable

思路:体育比赛,旅游,吃饭,看电影,做assignment等基础词汇:took part in参加 Competition 比赛 work with合作高级词汇: team development团队建设 team spirit 团队精神 cooperate with 合作Model answer 1:


Group activities give chances to participants moving around together and work together. It’s useful in the early stages of team development. I like both individual and group activities.

What was it?

I took part in many group activities but here I would like to talk about the activity which I did in a group three years ago at college level, and I enjoyed a lot.

I took part in a competition. It was a team based competition, and we were three-person who took part in it. The competition based on different culture and traditions which presented through the presentation.

With whom you did it ?

My two friends Raman and anu and I decided to present Punjabi culture.

When and where you did it?

We had only two days for preparation. So we divide the work into three parts. We collected all information related to older people living style, clothing designs and traditions which they followed during functions such as marriage. We clicked pictures of this material and also collected some clothes and old accessories to present in front of judges.

I prepared a presentation of 30 minutes which describes everything in detail. On the competition day we wear traditional dresses which liked by all.

How you felt about it?

We were successful to impressing the judges and won the prize in that competition. So that was the group activity which I enjoyed.

Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend

You should say:

When it was

Who you met

Where it was

And why you were surprised to meet him/her

思路:在街上,在餐馆,在派对,在公园等基础词汇: expected to 预料到 turned around转过身 shocked震惊了

高级词汇: uploaded上传 whereabouts下落 astonished惊讶的

Model Answer


I have very few friends, and we are very close to each other.

So, it is not often I get surprised.

Where it was? and When was it? and Who you met?

However, last year, I got a big surprise when I met one of my friends in Chandigarh at Rose Garden.

I went to Rose Garden with my family last summer.

We were all sitting on a mat, which we had laid out on the grass, and were enjoying a picnic lunch.

Suddenly, I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder.

I turned around, and I was surprised to see one of my closest friends Siddharth.

Why were you surprised?

I knew he was in also in Chandigarh, but I never expected to see him at Rose Garden.

He told me that he came to know my whereabouts through the photos which I had uploaded on Instagram.

He was doing some shopping at a mall very close to Rose Garden.

So, he decided to surprise me.

He called my sister to find out where exactly we were in Rose Garden.

So, actually, everyone else knew he was coming, except me.

It was a big surprise for me.

My sister also photographed my reaction when I turned around to see him.

After the big shock, he also joined us for the picnic.

Then, I spent some time at the mall with him.

Not surprisingly, we could only do window shopping.


He still sometimes brings it up by saying that remember the time I surprised you at Rose Garden.

I am looking for an opportunity to surprise him like he surprised me.

But he is expecting it, so it would be very hard to do so.

Describe an occasion when you lost your way

You should say:

Where you were

What happened

How you felt

And how you found your way

思路:小时候走丢, 在森林里迷路,在嘉年华等基础词汇: crowded 拥挤的 scared害怕的 dangerous 危险的

高级词汇:carnival 嘉年华 got split up from 和..分开 burst into tears突然哭起来

Model answer1:

Mullarkey Chirappe is a famous carnival in Alappuzha, Kerala. It usually happens for seven days and on those days half of the people from Alappuzha will be there. So, this could possibly be one of the most crowded fiestas you can ever witness in Kerala. If I remember rightly, in 2008, when I was twelve years old we went there on the fourth day of the carnival. I was so happy because that was perhaps the first time I was going to see the carnival live which I have been hearing about since my childhood. The excitement was so in me that at some point I forget about the crowd and my family. I was in my own world. I was feeling like I am in a colorful world where everything glitters. The bangles, bags, toys, Mehendi, music from temples, dresses in discount everything marvels me there. But all of a sudden a huge vehicle came on our way and unfortunately I got split up from my family. They were standing exactly opposite to me on the other side of the road yet the crowd hid them from me. I started to cry. Anyway, one of the shopkeepers lends his mobile phone. I called my mother. Thanks to God that I already memorized my parent’s phone number. I again meet them. They too were very scared. My father hugs and told me that I am safe now. After that whenever I will go to the crowd this bittersweet memory comes to my mind. The story of how I evolved from a lost kid to a safe kid.

Model answer 2:

Admittedly, I am not good at finding directions, so I often get lost easily. Recently, I got lost when I was visiting Cuc Phuong National Park last February. This park is located in 3 provinces near Hanoi, including: Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa. It is very large park with a variety of animals and plants.

We arrive very early and stayed until sunset in the park. I was up at the furthest point as the sun was starting to set. The natural scenery was so stunning that we couldn’t move. We remained at that place, taking a lot of extremely impressive pictures and almost forgot the time until it got dark. As there were a lot of trees, the space inside the park seemed a lot darker than outside, thus, it was hard for us to find our way out. As a consequence, we got lost a few times and all we could see around us were steep cliff faces and deep gorges. I even felt hopeless and nearly burst into tears because of fear.

Luckily, before we completely lost our patience, the park’s guards found us and led us to the entrance very quickly. By the time we managed to get out of the park, all of us were totally exhausted, hungry and thirsty. Soon after that we headed for a good local restaurant, ordering a big meal to mark the day we managed to overcome such a dangerous situation.


stunning: extremely beautiful or attractive:

Ex: a stunning view over the bay of Saint Tropez.

burst into tears: to suddenly start to cry

Ex: I even felt hopeless and nearly burst into tears because of fear.

Describe a time when you learned from a mistake you have made

You should say:

What the mistake was

When you made the mistake

Why you made the mistake

And explain what you have learnt from the mistake

思路:认错人,复习错题目,记错日期,爱错人等基础词汇: learn from mistakes从错误中学习 realize意识到,认识到 depressive压抑的

高级词汇: blunders错误 have severe consequences造成严重后果 broken-hearted心碎的

Sample Answer :

No one wants to talk about his mistakes and it seems like the human psychology is prone to forget blunders and remember good things in life. But some mistakes are hard to forget and have severe consequences in life. I, too, as an ordinary human try to learn from my mistakes, forget them most of the time and go ahead with my dreams to do something remarkable in my life. I would like to thank you for this cue card topic that expects me to talk about a mistake I have made in my life.

The biggest mistake in my life was falling in love with the wrong girl who had a completely different view of life, love and relationship. I was hardly 17 years old when I fall hard for this girl.

Initially, we were classmates and then became friends. In a year I started to feel something about her that was quite extraordinary and hard to explain. I guess people call this 'love'. My whole world started to shift and I was surrounded by a mirage for this whole time. Not a single moment had passed when I didn't think about her. She was the centre and power source of my universe. When I proposed her, she expressed her boundless joys and acted as if I should have proposed her earlier. So far, this is a sweet and innocent love story of a teenager and I was happy to have her in my life.

However, it took me only a few months to realize that she was not serious about our relationship. When she was my whole world, I was her just another temporary boyfriend. The relationship ended in ten months and I was so broken-hearted that I could not concentrate on anything for a while. My parents also knew about it and they were very supportive of me. First few days, it was quite difficult for me to get back to my normal life, study or go outside. I simply could not appease my mind that I made a great mistake and it was like an illusion that I need to come out from soon. However, when I started realizing that I made a big mistake by approaching a serious relationship without even knowing the girl genuinely, I started making peace with my mind. I was completely honest with myself and that eventually helped me to get out of the depressive time I went through at that time.

The lesson learned from this mistake made me more cautious about making any kind of relationship and I am happy that I took this mistake as an event to learn a lesson. However, I often feel bad that how someone could be so naive to play with someone's sentiment so cheaply.

Describe an event you experienced in which you didn’t like the music played

You should say:

What the event was

Where you were

What the music was like

And why you didn’t enjoy the music

思路:在派对,在节日等基础词汇: singer 歌手 looking forward to期待 dull 无趣的

高级词汇: genres 流派,种类 disheartened 使沮丧 monotonous 单调的

Model Answer


I love listening to music.

In fact, I listen to music while cooking, while cleaning and even while studying/working.

And I generally enjoy all genres of music from pop to rock to jazz.

What was the event? and Where were you?

But few years I attended a concert by Sunidhi Chauhan, and I didn’t enjoy it one bit.

There were mainly two reasons for it.

First, Sunidhi herself didn’t show up.

I was and still am a big Sunidhi Chauhan fan, and it was a great disappointment.

What music was like?

The greatest singers of the world could have come to the stage and I would still have been disappointed.

I was really looking forward to hearing Sunidhi live for the first time.

So, I was very disheartened.

The second reason was the backup singers seemed like amateurs.

They didn’t involve the crowd at all.

Their performance was very dull and monotonous.

And explain why you didn’t like the music?

I didn’t feel like I was attending a live performance at all.

In fact, after a while, none of us were paying any attention to the songs being played.

The music was also too loud, and it was hurting the ears.

I remember many people asked the event managers to lower the volume of the loudspeakers.

What added insult to injury was that the event managers refused to refund the money.

Some of the people even fought and got their money back, but I was too tired to fight then.

I left the concert quite early.

More than anything else, I never got an opportunity to hear her live again, I don’t know if I will get an opportunity in the future too.

It might remain a dream.

Describe an occasion when you forgot something important

You should say:

When it was

What you forgot

Why you forgot it

And how you felt about it

思路:忘记作业,忘记车票,忘记银行卡,忘记电脑手机等基础词汇: forgetful健忘的 careless粗心的 contact联系

高级词汇: rushed back跑回去 desperate 绝望的 demoralizing令人

Model Answer:

About two years ago, I lost something that I really held dear to my heart. It was a smartphone that I received from my elder brother (he bought it from abroad) as a gift. I lost my expensive gift at an ATM booth while trying to withdraw some cash on a day when I was supposed to stay indoors all day. What an irony! I guess, a little caution on our part not to leave our smartphones on top of an ATM booth out of our forgetful minds, while trying to withdraw some cash, wouldn’t harm us at all.

Anyway, after losing my Samsung Galaxy S9 in such a manner, I naturally started to blame myself as it was my careless attitude that had cost me my precious gift. I rushed back to the booth immediately after realizing my mistake, but my little smart machine was gone by then. I even contacted the bank authority, which owned the ATM booth, in a desperate attempt to get my phone back, but what I heard from the bank authority was just too demoralizing.

Anyway, I remained depressed the whole day after losing my phone as it carried so many histories and fond memories of mine. Later on, I also couldn’t help but remembering how the phone didn’t break even after being dropped from my hands on numerous occasions. After all, it was a very strong little device with all the necessary and important features of a smartphone, and after losing it, I felt like a man without his most important tool!

After losing that phone, of course, I bought a few other phones as well, but I never really felt quite attached to them like I did to the one I had lost. Was it because I had lost it due to my negligence? Perhaps so.

