
Recently I was watching a reality show when a girl with one leg appeared on stage. When asked what she would do, she announced, "I will dance." Judges were surprised how anybody could dance with just one leg and without any support. When she started dancing, everyone was amazed.


The audience shouted. The judges stood up and clapped for her courage, her strength and her passion. This was a positive attitude towards life that encouraged her to accept life's challenges. Neither the girl on the reality show, nor the famous classical dancer Sudha Chandran could have imagined in their wildest dreams that such an unpredictable moment will come their way. It wasn't until after Chandran lost her leg that she became a dancer and was catapulted to world-wide fame overnight for the one thing no one believed she could do: dance.



They both met with an accident. They both lost one of their legs. And yet still they both believed that they could dance, and they did. I respect their willpower and burning spirit to fight for their dreams. Their dreams led them to stand against the sometimes strong cold winds of the world.



They both accepted life's challenges. They have set an example that nothing can defeat you unless you accept the defeat. Such people make us look deep inside ourselves and think over the driving forces that would have led them to turn their disabilities into such great strengths. Remember: Life is unpredictable…but that's a good thing.



1.a reality show 真人秀

2.unpredictable n. 不可预测的

3.catapulted n. 猛掷

4.come their way:come sb's way是习语,意思是: To be experienced by someone;happen to sb,即表示"为某人所经历;降临到某人头上;出现在某人面前"。从语法上看,come仍是不及物动词,其后的 sb's way可看作是状语。


1.He took whatever came his way. 无论什么事落到他的头上,他都认了。

2.Some good luck came his way. 他碰上了好运气。

3.They gladly accepted whatever money came their way. 不管是什么样的钱,他们都欣然接受(即来者不拒)。


Sudha Chandran

Sudha Chandran是印度著名的残疾舞蹈家。曾因车祸失去右小腿,她依靠假肢战胜重重困难继续着自己的舞蹈生涯,成为印度家喻户晓的励志人物。

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